Part 2: Inescapable Fate

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Samael watched his brother whose light seemed now equal his own grow smaller into the distance until it was just a ball of light in the far sky.  Around him teemed all kinds of creatures glowing with their own lights and behind him youths glowing with white light - smaller than himself - yet in more mature bodies.  

He sighed.  Father had put him in charge.  Him in charge of all his resurrected siblings.  But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with his other surviving brother HaShem.  Why had Father given HaShem no responsibility and why did HaShem spend instead the whole day with Father playing while he worked?  What was Father protecting him from?  Or did they need protection from HaShem?  What was it about this brother of his that caused all the dead to raise to new life when Father spoke connecting to him?  

He turned looking around him.  He was the one that surly subdued the dragon.  The victory surly was due to himself.  Whatever irked him of his brother would just be shaken off when Father saw his own prowess in ruling all.  He looked at Beulah, his sister, talking with some of the creatures gathered around her.  What did she know of ruling?  Surely with his skill he could resurrect the dragon and use it as a tool for greatness.   He smiled feeling the surge of victory within himself.  He would be unstoppable!  That would show Father.


HaShem looked up at Father who bore him away in his arms.  He could feel the shaking within himself subsiding as he distanced from his siblings.  What were all those conflicted feelings he battled when he was near them?  Where they his own or was he feeling everything they were feeling?  

"Where is Mother?"  

Father looked straight ahead as he flew.

"I saw her - her Spirit - looking after the others - will she soon join us?"

Father stopped gauging the distance they had traversed.  He sat setting his son on the empty air beside him.  "There are some things you ought to know.  While I see what is not, Mother - your mother - sees all that is...I am creative and she is wise.  I propose the script and she approves and disapproves showing the way for it to work. are the script.  You're the beginning, the pivotal center and the end.  Without you there is no..." Father motioned at all the glittering lights twinkling below, "...No all of these."

"Mother..."  he paused continuing, " spending the we can have this time together...before..."

"Say it Father.  You know I can hear your thoughts but I do not understand.  How can they resurrect what you sacrificed your mortal form to destroy?  And...why?  Why would they want to..."

The Dark One rubbed light's back giving it a pat.  "The Dragon - he was not destroyed.  He is only jumbled up in smaller forms but they will remember.  It is inevitable - the Dragon -" He lowered his voice as if not wanting it to hear him - "Ragnarock will live again."  He wrinkled his face leaning over his knees.  "Your mother is able to keep them from the truth, but only so long."  But then he smiled clapping his son on the back.  "But that's not a worry of ours - not we play."  He held his infant to his forehead: "Best day ever?"

HaShem took a deep breath then reflected the smile right back at the beloved father: "Best day ever."

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