10. Wedding

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Unanticipated endearment ❤️


Never in my life had I thought that I'll be in love talk less of getting married, Nabeel proved himself, not only is he a sweet and charming man but he is loving and understanding as well . He understood me in my weak times , and Huda Ya Allah the girl is very cute and a sweet little angle just like her father . I'm not calling Nabeel cute though because it'll be very weird .

My cousins who were  not in the country have arrived since a day before yesterday. We had a bridal/ a slumber party yesterday it was a night full of laughter and funny activities .
We played truth or dare, played cards, video games and played tag basically turning into children without any care in the world, it was so fun.

The wedding activities are bound to start today, basically all of us are tired as we haven't got much sleep the night before, i just want everything to be over so that i can get the rest that I deserve.

"Ya beels , aunt shahida is here" Yazz said barging into my room

"You startled me" i said dropping my phone on the nightstand

"Sorry Amarya" she said winking "I'll send her in" she added closing the door behind her

Aunt Shahida is the woman from chad in charge of my gyaran jiki . Aunt Haifa ( ammi's younger sister) invited her she's her friend i guess considering how close they seemed to be.

She's a nice lady with a dark glowing skin, she's in her mid 20's , with her arrival in the last few days we hit it up almost immediately she's funny and incredibly good at what she does

"Salamu Alaikum Amaryar mu" She said entering my room
"Aunty sannu da zuwa( welcome)" i said side hugging her

"Yauwa let's get started" she said bringing out colorful bottles from her bag

She scrubbed some on my face and hair, while the rest goes to the body.

"You'll sit like this for about 30 minutes, I'll inform you when to wash off" she said "I'll be downstairs in the meantime" she added turning to the door.

After torturing my skin for about an hour and a half she was finally done.

I took a bath,applied my lotion and wore a plain gown , the makeup artist is in the guest chambers waiting for me , along with my friends.

My outfit for today is a simple Royal blue iro and buba with stones that was sewn to perfection by El_unico

"Hey babes you ready for the kamu"Rosie said sitting comfortably on the bed.
She was dressed beautifully in her black ankara anko that was designed beautifully in a straight gown and a pink headgear.

"Yes I'm ready, I can't believe this is actually happening"I said playing with my bracelet

"Yeah me too, it feels surreal"jalila smiled

"Let's go and kill that place" Fatma said adjusting her headgear

We went downstairs with my girls trailing behind me, the kamu is happening in our compound, Ammi decided to do it the traditional way though she's not in the house now.

"Mashallah there comes our beautiful bride with her entourage" Aunt haifa gushed

We sat at the scheduled place for the bride and her friends, the photographers were busy snapping every moment, the servers served the food elegantly due to Aunt haifa's training .

My grandma from Abba's side did the kamu before Nabeel's family came .

His auntie whom I've recognized from The Family dinner was the one at front followed by some  of his cousins and other aunties, they came and unveiled me after paying my bridesmaids the money they asked for . We took pictures with them afterwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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