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(I hope you're enjoying the story this far dont forget to like and fav thanks :) )

A while later, I'm walking down the street enjoying the festivities walking along with Eddie as we talk I gotta admit it's nice to actually have someone to talk to
"Sooo Eddie any major plans for today?"
I ask him as I finish my ice cream and dust the extra crumbs off my hands, he then answered with a shrug
"Today I'm just relaxing that's about it with the guys honestly"
We then walk down the street and see Richie playing a trumpet horribly that he swiped from a band player as they tug on it playing tug of war. I then walk up to Bill and the others as Bill flips the missing poster seeing Betty's underneath
"I-I-Its like sh-she's b-b-been f-f-forgotten"
He said a bit saddened, I look at the posters
"Its sad how everyone gets forgotten after only a couple weeks it's like people stop searching its like kid go missing then boom! A few weeks later new kid disappears and it starts all over again what is this town coming to?"
I ask in annoyance
"I dunno Don Lonfontaine what do you think?"
Richie asks sarcastically and I flip him off with a glare
"Look all I'm saying is..... it's just sad okay? It is....."
I say crossing my arms and looking around, then back at the posters of the missing kids, there were so many I couldn't even begin to imagine what happened, were they kidnapped? Killed? those questions and more hung in my head...

Were all walking when we hear tires screeching from a sharp turn, and I glance over my shoulder to see Henry and I groan
"Something wrong?"
Eddie asks
"Were about to face a problem in a few seconds..."
I answer, he looks confused only to be cleared up when Henry stops beside us and Eddie gulps
"(Y/N)! Time to go home!"
He shouts at me and I cross my arms
"Its only 3 o'clock Henry! Dad said I don't have to be back till 6!"
I shout back at him
"I dont give a rat's ass I'm in charge till dad gets home!"
He says angerly, I just scoff and walk away Eddie quickly trailing behind me I  grip my fists and punched a window making it break and cutting my hand
"Ah fuck!"
I say holding my hand as it bled
"Oh my god (Y/N)! Are you okay?!"
He asked looking at my hand
"Its nothing Eddie really"
I say hissing in pain, he then takes my hand gently and makes me sit on a milk crate in the alleyway as he fumbled through his fanny pack and take out some rubbing alcohol and some bandages and starts to clean it making me hiss
"Are you okay?"
He asked concerned I then nod
"Yes I'm okay Eddie dont worry"
I say to try and reassure him I was okay eventhough it fucking hurt , he eventually finished and bandaged my hand
"There better?"
He asks me, I look at my hand
"Yeah thanks ..."
I say as I look up at him we lock gazes we both blushed so red and then I saw Eddie start to lean in, was he going to kiss me?!
I didn't know what to do honestly I was freaking out and I was about to lean in when I hear car honking getting my thoughts back to earth
"Uhhh well anyways thanks again Eddie....I'll see you later"
I say as I get up and start to walk away
(Stupid dummy what were you thinking?! He was going to kiss you...kiss you!!!!)
I curse to myself in my head, I then walk past a creepy looking house that is barely standing on Niebolt street and I look up at it, it honestly gave me the chills. I could of sworn I saw glowing eyes in one of the windows then all of a sudden....
I get pulled back from my thoughts and look over to see Belch's car and Henry getting out of it
"(Y/N)! Let's go!"
He shouts at me
"I don't want to Henry!"
I shout at him, he then grabs my wrist and sees my hand bandaged up
"Who the hell did this to you?! Did those losers hurt you?!"
He asked he may of been yelling but I could see the hint of concern in his eyes as well
"I did this on accident to myself okay they had nothing to do with it Henry!"
I say snatching my wrist back only for him to grab me and put me over his shoulder
"Henry put me down!!!"
I say hitting his back as he carried me to the car and sat me in the back with Victor
"You're coming home and staying there where I can keep an eye on you!"
He demands, I just go quiet I can't believe he's being this fucked up about things...

We get home and I immediately get out and slam the car door and run up the stairs, tears streaming both angry and sad and I run upstairs to my room, slam the door and plop onto my bed and cry into my pillow....

Henry's POV:

Catching my sister with those damn losers just gets my blood boiling...what if they hurt her? Or rape her? Or worse....I refuse to let my sister be the next on whose ever's hit list that is making these damn kids dissapear. I know I can be really overprotective I know I am, but I dont want to loose the only same thing in my life shes my baby sister it's my job to protect her from harm whatever means necessary.....when I yelled at her to come home and saw her damaged hand  I freaked out maybe I could of handled it a bit better but my mouth thought quicker then my mind did on what to say, I watched her run into the house and I could even hear her bedroom door slam from outside....I started to feel bad I then got out of the car and told Belch and Victor to scram for now and I walked inside and went upstairs to (Y/N) 's bedroom door I was about to knock when I heard her sniffling and muffled crying into her pillow...I did this....I feel so fucking bad, I then just went to my room down the hall and shut my door and punched the wall how could I let my sister get this upset and hurt?....

(Y/N) POV:

I must of fallen asleep, because I lifted my head up and my clock said it was about 5:30pm. I stood up and looked out my window I saw Henry getting into Belch's car and driving off, I just opened my window and sat on the roof part connected under my window and hugged my knees and rested my chin there looking out as kids were riding their bikes or running after one another screaming and laughing must be nice.....I then close my eyes briefly and hear bike tires sounding like they screeched to a stop, I glance down and see it to be Eddie, Richie and Stan
"Hey (Y/N)!.....come down here!"
Richie called out, I got back into my window and ran downstairs and out to the porch
"guys you really shouldn't be here if Henry catches you he'll have your hides for sure"
I say as I look around making sure Belch's car was nowhere in sight
"We're not afraid of Bowers"
Richie exclaimed
"Speak for yourself Rich "
Stan chimed in a little freaked out looking around
"Look, Henry is pretty steamed I'd save yourselves before he comes back"
I warned them
"We wanted to make sure you were okay that's all"
Eddie said
"I'm okay Kasbrak really"
I said trying to keep my cool
"Well if you need us were not far"
Stan said as he rode off with Richie, Eddie stayed behind for a minute and he looked at me and came up the steps and gave me a phone number
"I'm not far away I'll come whenever if you need me"
He said and I smiled softly and hugged him and then he let go and went down the stairs again and got on his bike and rode off to catch up to the other two. I went back inside and hid the number in my jean short pocket and sat on the couch and watched TV......

I'm Your Protector,  Henry Bowers's Little Sister (Eddie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now