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I changed my clothes, and went downstairs. I saw everyone preparing food. I didn't saw one person, and it was Mina.

-Hey Jihyo.- I said. -You need help?-

Jihyo looked at me and smiled. -Hi Chaeyoung! No I'm fine.- I nodded.

-And have you seen-

-I didn't see Mina. Ask Momo I think she was the last one who saw her.- she said, and smiled. I smiled back, and nodded. How did she know I was going to ask about Mina? She always knows everything. Is she some kind of god or witch?

I approached Momo who was of course with Dahyun. -Hey Momo did you see Mina?- they both looked at me, and then at each other.

-No...- Momo said.

-Are you sure?- I asked while crossing my arms.

-I mean I talked to her, and then she cried, and left me alone on the beach.- Momo said. The whole room became silent.

-Momo what did you say?- Jihyo said while slowly approaching us.

-Mina cried?- Nayeon said, and sat on the couch.

Why are they surprised that Mina cried. Does she never cry or what?

-Why are you guys so surprised?- I asked.

-Well Mina never cries.- Nayeon said.

-I saw her crying once.- Sana said.

-Mina cries only when something is really wrong, and she's really not okay.- Jihyo said. -And you Momo. You let her just go when she cried!? Something can happen to her!- Jihyo raised her voice.

So Mina never cries. I wonder what happened. I hope she's okay. I sat on the couch beside Nayeon. She looked at me, and smiled.

-Did you two fight?- She said.

I shook my head. -No... but she did became mad all of sudden, and left the room.-
Nayeon hummed. Mina what is going on? I slowly start to become nervous. Maybe I did something? Maybe she wanted to sleep on the bed?

-Guys let's all calm down nothing will happen to Mina. She just needs to be alone, let's give her some space. And I'm sure she will come back soon.- Jeongyeon said. She patted my head. I looked at her and she smiled.

Everyone nodded, and they all went back to what they were doing before.


-Stupid Chaeyoung! Stupid me!- I said while kicking a small rock. I have no idea where I am. I was walking on the road until I got to a small town.

I sighed. I started to search for my phone, but I couldn't find it. Great I left it home...

I scratched my nape and smiled awkwardly.
-Excuse me ma'am could you please tell me what time it is?- I asked an older woman who's sitting on the bench.

The woman smiled and said.-It's 18:48 darling.-

-Thank you so much.- I said and bowed. It's getting late. I don't want to go home though.

I looked around. Nothing special. Few small boutiques and few small houses. Sure nothing special, but my eye caught something interesting. A pub. I smiled to myself and stared to walk towards the pub.

I walked inside. I saw drunk men, and women walking around, and bringing them alcohol. I sat down on the chair in the corner. The only free table.

I looked around. Everyone's looking at me. Maybe I should leave?

-What can I get for you baby?- A young woman said. I looked at her confused. Is she calling me a baby?

She smiled and put her hand on my arm.
-You need more time to think?- She said.

What is she doing? I moved her arm. I cleared my throat. -Whiskey.- I said and looked away.

-Good choice baby.- the woman said, and walked away.

What was she thinking? There's no one who can call me baby. Do I look like a baby? I don't think so.


Hours passes by, and there's still not sight of Mina. It's been 5 hours since she left the house. It's getting late. It's almost midnight. Everyone's really worried about Mina. She left her phone in the house. No one can contact her, and no one knows where she is.

-We should search for her again.- Chaeyoung said. The little cub is so worried. She didn't eat, she didn't drink all she does is think about Mina, and where she could be.

-Chaeyoung we searched for Mina 4 times.- Said Jeongyeon. -She will come back.-

-And? Let's search for the 5th time! What if something happened to her?!- Chaeyoung raised her voice. -I don't care! I'm gonna search for her alone!- she added. Chaeyoung took her jacked, and left the house. She slammed the door.

"I will find you Mina! Please wait for me. Please be okay..." Chaeyoung thought to herself as she walks. She walks faster and faster. And finally she starts to run. She doesn't know where. She just runs until she finds Mina. She won't stop until she brings Mina home.

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