Choi Jongho - Chapter 5

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It was already six o'clock and you didn't know what to wear. All-day long Jongho and you were messaging each other nonstop. You didn't know how you clicked with each other so quickly. It must of been the kiss. The kiss was so magical, so sweet and his embrace was just so warm. The butterflies in your stomach wouldn't stop fluttering, and even if this dinner was with your mom, you couldn't help but think this was some sort of date. You heard your phone buzzing on top of your drawer. You picked it up and smiled. 

Choi Jongho - My hero lit up the screen. 

What are you doing right now? 

I'm trying to figure out what to wear tonight. 

Oh :( You got a hot date?

It's not a date if my mom is present lol

Who's the lucky guy who gets to spend the afternoon with two lovely ladies?

As if you didn't know! 

:) I know I'm super lucky. Hey... don't worry about what you are going to wear. Anything you wear would look amazing on you. 

You couldn't help but blush. He was so sweet to you and you couldn't handle that. You thought back to how Antony would treat you in your past relationship. He was nice in front of people, almost loving to you. But when you and him were alone, all havoc broke loose. You shook your head and tried your best to forget those painful memories. 

How are you so sweet? Everything you do makes my heart skip a beat.

I'm not like this to just anyone Y/N. I don't normally show my feelings. Maybe it's because we're texting--- maybe it's easier for me to say things through a screen than in person. You make me want to sing... I'm scared that when we are in person I won't make you feel this way. 

You raised an eyebrow. Jongho was being so raw and transparent with you. You've never met someone like him before. You smiled to yourself, you knew that if he were to ask you out you would say yes. 

Jongho... I can't wait to see you later. It might be a bit awkward at first but I'm sure we'll get used to it after a while. 

SO you will tutor me then? haha 

I think I owe it to you. 

You jumped at the sound of the doorbell ringing. Eyes widening you realized that Jongho was probably texting you as he was making his way to your house. You were wearing your at-home clothes, a lavender tank top and white shorts. You hurried to the door of your bedroom where you opened it just a bit to see who it was. You heard your mom greet Jongho and you saw her embrace him tightly. 

"You know why don't you go get Y/N, she's still upstairs. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you," your mom said to Jongho sweetly. He nodded and went up the stairs. You panicked and close the door rather loudly. You didn't know what to do and you ran around the room trying to hide the mess you had. You heard a soft knocking at your door and you spun to face it. 

"Come in," you said rather shakily. You looked down to your outfit. You cursed as you should have prioritized putting on something less revealing. 

"Y/N," Jongho was staring at you. He couldn't help but noticed how much skin you were revealing and tried his best to keep his eyes on your face. "Um, do you want me to go?" he started to turn around but you stopped him. 

"Is that a rose?" you asked him, your heartbeat quickening as you notice the color of it. 

"But I send you a cream-white rosebud with a flush on its petal tips," Jongho recited softly as he stepped closer to you. 

"For the love that is purest and sweetest Has a kiss of desire on the lips," you whispered back softly. He had reached you and he was twirling a strand of your hair in his hand. Your eyes met and he bite his lip. He closed the gap and he pressed his lips softly unto your mouth. He broke the kiss and caressed your cheek with a small smile on his face. 

"Y/N. Will you be my girlfriend?" 

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