Chapter 8

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I'd only been on an airplane once before when I'd gone to a tennis camp. It was nice to be travelling with someone this time, and not a chaperone who wanted to be anywhere except with me. Zach and I had packed light, just two small carry-on bags. We arrived at the airport and Zach grasped onto my hand, leading me expertly through the crowd of travelers to the empty business class wicket.

"I got us upgraded," he said before I could get any words out.

"When did that happen?" I muttered out of the attendants' earshot.

"I made a few calls," he said and winked.

I hated that I was smiling. It gave him more encouragement to take his generosity further. Within minutes, after all the identification checks, we were on our way up to our boarding gate. I glanced down at my clothes. Blue jeans and T-shirt hardly screamed business class. I was feeling uncomfortable already. Would the flight attendants look down on me? Know I didn't belong?

"What's wrong?" Zach asked as we strolled to the short line for business class passengers.


We cleared security while others waited in the regular line. Were people wondering what I was doing in the privileged line? I shook my head of these thoughts. I couldn't get all hung up on them.

Zach grabbed a handful of magazines from one of the shops and not too long later an announcement came that it was time to board.

We boarded first and took our seats in the third row. Our seats easily could have fit two people. An attendant handed each of us a newspaper and a bottle of water. I settled in and Zach leafed through his newspaper. Having lived my entire life in Pine Falls, having not seen much of the world, living in Zach's was kind of nice, but I hadn't earned it. Come to think of it, neither had he.

I could hear Dad in the back of my head, telling me to enjoy myself, not to sweat all these details. I could also see Grandpa, an evil grin on his face, gleefully rubbing his hands together while planning my marriage.

"Hot towel?"

The flight attendant startled me out of my daydream. "Excuse me?"

"Hot towel? For your hands?"

"Yes," Zach said, taking one. I followed suit and did the same.

I leaned in close to Zach. "Why am I washing my hands with this burning hot towel?"

"I suppose they assumed you were going to read the newspaper. She'll be right back to offer us a drink."

"Before we take off?" I asked wide-eyed.

"You're adorable," he said, kissing my cheek.

As he predicted, the attendant returned and asked what we'd like to drink. She then handed me a menu. "You have a choice of your dinner and dessert. And if you require anything else, please don't hesitate to ask."

Was it that obvious I was a newbie? "Holy crap! Filet mignon, duck à l'orange or lobster ravioli?" Giddiness had set in. "This is insane!"

I ordered the duck and Zach chose the filet. He drank some of his beer while I savored my full can of Coke. A full can! The attendant had also brought us chips, cookies, crackers and assorted nuts. When I couldn't decide which one I wanted, she let me have one of each.

"I love New York already," I said, biting into my gourmet chocolate chip cookie.

"If I'd known that all it would take was business class, I would have done it ages ago."

This Much Is True (the sequel to The Senator's Son)Where stories live. Discover now