Chapter 6

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School started and I was thrust back into routine. My schedule didn't complement Zach's like it had the previous year, so we often went to and from classes at different times. He had a part-time course load, the result of excessive partying his first year at Western that put him half a year behind. He was determined that those last classes would take him over a 3.7 GPA. His LSAT score was high enough to get him into most law schools, but he made no bones about it: he wanted Columbia. While his parents had thoughts of Harvard and Yale, Zach had made it clear it was the Big Apple or bust.

"What if all three accept you?" I asked, watching him pore over his applications littering our dining room table. He'd made me read and reread his submissions and applications even though his dad had hired someone to help Zach with them.

"What if none of them accept me?"

"I'm pretty sure that won't happen," I said, patting him on one hand.

"I really want Columbia. I'd love to stay in New York. There is so much there to offer."

I frowned but quickly wiped it away. I hated hearing him talk about leaving. New York was far away. Sensing my apprehension, he reached across the table and took my hands into his.

"Em, you could transfer out and finish your last year there. With your grades, you'd get into any school. I've looked into it."

"You don't even know where you're going yet, so let's not get ahead of ourselves."

He tilted his head. "You do want to come, don't you?"

"Or I could just finish my undergraduate degree here. Then come out to wherever you are."

"Yes, you could, but I'd be happier if you were with me."

"First get into one of these schools, then we'll talk."

He smiled and leaned over to kiss me on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He finished up his thousandth review and put each application into its own envelope. He wasn't sending them off for a few more weeks, and not until his dad's people also reviewed them a million more times. The whole process was crazy.

"I talked to Genie about Meredith," I said as Zach grabbed a beer and joined me on the sofa where I had moved to.

"What did she think?"

"She was pretty impartial. The more I talk about her the more curious I get. I'm thinking I might contact her. I wouldn't call her, I'd email or something."

"That's a good idea. That way if you want to cut off communication, you can. You aren't stuck talking to her in an awkward phone conversation."

I swung my legs over his and put my arm around him. "Would you contact her?"

"I'm a curious son of a bitch, so I would."

"What if she has an ulterior motive?"

"Tell her to go to hell."

"I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to contact her."

"There's no deadline."

"I think her sudden desire to reconnect has to do with you. Now I'm worthy of her attention."

"How would she know about me?"

"People in Pine Falls are such gossips. I'm sure she knows someone in town who told her."

"That's why you should proceed cautiously," he said, rubbing my back.

"I'm not rushing into anything. It's taken her twenty years to reach out. A few weeks won't make a difference."

"You're right. And just so you know, you have always been worthy of her attention. Never think differently."


I came home Wednesday from classes to have Zach leap off the sofa and greet me at the door. A silly smile was plastered on his face as he held up sheets of paper.

"Before you say no, I have it all planned out. Miss Andrews, you and I are going to New York City this Friday. We have a flight out late afternoon. We spend two days there and leave Sunday evening. I talked to your boss at Julian's and also sent a text to Helen asking her if it was okay for you to miss your Saturday tennis session. It's all arranged."

I dropped my backpack and took the paper from his hands. "You've been busy," I said, looking over the itinerary.

"We will have a great time. You can't say no."

"You know I can't afford this, and I hate the thought of you paying for it."

"I got last-minute flights cheap. Same with the hotel."

I narrowed my eyes. "The McGillivray Hotel in Times Square was cheap?" The sarcasm dripped from my voice.

"Funny story. An old friend has a contact there. He got us an awesome room for a fraction of the price."

"It's scary how you lie to my face so easily," I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"You've got to give me credit for trying. Dad knows people and got us the room. I didn't pay for it. Are you in?"

He was excited, how could I turn him down? "All right, but I hate not paying for things."

"I hate when you pay for things," he said and kissed me on the lips. "I've got the whole trip planned. We hit Times Square when we get there because I know you've never seen it. We have dinner then do a little late-night sightseeing. Saturday morning we hit a few prospective colleges for you, tour Columbia and check out some culinary schools. It's last minute so I'm not sure what we'll get to see. We'll hit a restaurant of your choice Saturday evening and then Sunday we can visit a museum or two, another restaurant, then fly home. It's an express trip, but there's lots we can pack in."

"You're trying hard to sell me, aren't you?"

"Em, you go to New York, you'll never want to come home."

"How many times have you been?"

"A few. I fell in love when we went on a trip when I was seventeen. Dad had some meetings to go to so Genie and I were on our own while Mom spent the entire day at the Natural History Museum. We went everywhere, checked out the tourist traps, ate food from every vendor and then Dad took us to Columbia for a lecture. I don't remember the lecture, but I remember the school. I knew then it was my dream city and school."

"Why didn't you do your undergraduate degree there?"

"Optics, I suppose. Dad wanted us to go to a local university."

"What if I don't like it there?"

"You'll love it."

He wasn't going to take no for an answer. I'd go along with this, but he couldn't make me love New York. That was New York's job.

This Much Is True (the sequel to The Senator's Son)Where stories live. Discover now