Chapeter 4: The defeat

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Plagg's POV
"So whats the plan, Sugarcube?? I aksed amd then she answered "I'll distract Neuro Steamer while you use your cataclysm on her bracelet". I replied "Seems easy enou-" before I could finish what I was saying, Tikki cut me off and said "But you have to take off her bracelet and then use cataclysm". I was so confused and asked "What? Why?!" She instantly replied "Because if use cataclysm on the bracelet while Neuro Steamer is still wearing it, not only the bracelet will be destroyed but so as the wearer. Remember, the akumatized villain is still a person and you cant control your powers without your owner" I became a bit silent but I understood. "Okay, I'll try my best to get the bracelet off her" I replied. Tikki then replied back "Thanks Plagg!!" while she gave me a hug. She broke the hug and instantly went out and shouted "LOOKING FOR ME??!!". It got almost everyone's attention including Neuro Steamer. They chased Tikki while waiting for Meuro Steamer to chase along so I can do my part. Every subject of hers chased Tikki but Neuro Steamer flew behind them all. It was my chance to get her bracelet. Luckily, I'm a sneaky kwami. I flew closer to her and then to her bracelet; slowly but carefully I removed her bracelet without her noticing me. I got the bracelet yet some of the other citizens saw me and shouted "Its Chat Noir's kwami!!!" Neuro Steamer instantly looked her right and saw me. "Uhh... Hi?" I nervously chuckled. I flew as fast as I can but Neuro Steamer was still on my tail. "Get back here little kwami!!!" said Neuro Steamer. She shooted bombs of gas at me but thankfully not only kwamis are immune to her gas but I was agile enough to dodge them all. I shouted facing towards Neuro Steamer and said "Miss me!!". She gave me an evil glare and flew faster to catch me. As I was flying continuously being chased by Neuro Steamer, I heard a scream. The scream sounded like..... TIKKI!!! I faced to my right side and saw Tikki being captured by one of the citizens' hands.

Tikki's POV
I cant move a muscle. It feels more of straining me than capturing me. A lot of citizens were surrounding me and I dont know what to do. "Stay away the kwami!!!!" shouted Plagg. I was in relief yet I was confused. He didnt even cataclysm teh bracelet. He flew in front of the person who was holding me and he placed the bracelet on the ground. "Drop Tikki right now!!!" said Plagg. The citizen who was holding me replied "We do not follow your orders. We follow Neuro Steamer's orders". Plagg then amirked at him and said "Welp, you have no choice" Plagg then raised his right paw and shouted "Cataclysm!!" and directly smashed his paw on the bracelet. The bracelet was then destroyed, even the akuma was destroyed due to how strong and powerful Plagg's cataclysm was. Plagg's cataclysm was so strong, it even created cracks on the roads. Lamp posts started falling, buliding started collapsing, even the Eiffel Tower was falling apart. It created big earthquakes and people started loosing their balance. The citizen that was holding me lost his balance too he let go of me and I was free. Plagg imediately flew towards me and asked with a tone of sincere concern "Are you okay Sugarcube??" I answered "I'm alright, but I've never seen you do an earthquake this big for a long time now" He then replied while scratching his head "Well, using my cataclysm depends on my mood" I was shocked and I immediately asked with a smile on my face "So you caused an earthquake because you cared about me??" He placed his at his back and shyly nodded. I immediatley hugged him and said "Aww, thank you Plagg" I hugged hime even tighter and he then broke the hug replied "Thats what friends do right?" I giggled and nodded. "Oh I almost forgot!!" I said. I calmly concentrated and created a big ball of light and as I threw it in the air I shouted "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!" and everything went back to normal. Everyone were in their normal selves and the akumatized villain was revealed into a normal high school girl. The citizens cheered for me and Plagg. We then waved at them all and flew to tree at the park where no one will see us. "How do we go back to our owners without anyone seeing us??" I asked. Plagg then came up with an idea and said "I'll just go back to Adrien's house while you go back to Marinette's. Still, we need to stay hidden in their rooms just in case". I smiled and nodded in agreement. Before we part ways and Is aid to Plagg "By the way Plagg, later tonight, me at this tree again. I wanna talk with you for a while" Plagg got a little confused so he asked "Why??" I answered "I just want to talk about something with you in private". He then nodded and we flew in teh opposite direction.

Plagg x Tikki (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now