The deal

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-shuichi... thanks for helping me but I'll go by myself now.


Shuichi didn't protest and let her down, but he knew that something wasn't right.

-before you go, take this with you, it will heal your wounds quickly.

She turned toward him and took the solution thanking him for his help. She bowed down before going inside, trying as hard as she could not to let others see her pain.

After leaving Kurama in front of the house's gates , she started walking toward the front door eying her surroundings, making sure no one was outside, but - unfortunately for the young lady- her arrival with the fox demon has been felt and seen by the newcomer to the house : Mr sakyo who watched the whole scene from her grandpa's bedroom window.

Arriving in the hall, she met her maid Naomi who was waiting for her arrival and who rushed toward her after seeying her barely standing, with the back of her school uniform ripped. She looked a mess.

-Miss !!!! Who did this to you ?!!!! Is it The....

- No Naomi, it's not the one you sensed a while ago, that one actually helped me.

- Oh...

- tell me, what is Mr sakyo doing here ? The last time he came, grandfather was mad and he kicked him out, so why is he here now that grandfather is sick ?

-well.. I'm not really sure, but I think it has something to do with the island, know, the club's yearly meeting.

- yeah..the club of nuts...

- Miss aiko !! Your language !

Behind naomi, walking down the stairs calmly, a devilish smile on the face, Mr sakyo reprimanded her.

-yeah...miss aiko, a demoiselle like you should watch her language, especially when there are guests around.

- I don't remember inviting you. Aiko Replied coldly.

- But I remember that I've always been welcomed here in the matsumoto residency.

- not anymore. Why are you here ?

- oh ? I'm here to check on my friend, your grandpa, I heard he was sick.

- he has been sick since long ago, and you decided to come and visit him right before the nuts meeting... interesting.

- hahahaha, you're too clever I admit. Well, he has to attend the "nuts meeting" as you call it but you know, it has a name.

- which is ?

- The dark tournament.

- tournament...?

Flash back

- get out of my property now ! You and your monsters !!!

- is that your final answer mister matsumoto ?

- yes ! There won't be any tournaments !

- unfortunate that you're standing against the whole club, but as they say : unity is strength, you can't stand against all of us...and think about her future, what will happen to her if we don't give you a hand ?

- you came to my house to threaten me ?!!

- take it as you please, but I'm just stating the Truth, the inevitable futur...if you'll still be a part of it, of course..

- get out...NOW !!!!

End of flash back

" The last time they met, they argued about this tournament thing....what is it about ...?"

Aiko thoughts were rushing, she wanted to know more about that "tournament". Was it just a simple meeting called tournament, or was it a real tournament ? But a tournament of what ?

- Well, if your grandpa can't come, you'll replace him.

- in your dreams..

- Sweetie, you don't really have a choice, see you when the dark tournament starts. Until then, stay alive.

After eying her head to toe And with a cheshire smile on the lips, he left the house.

Aiko,rushed to her grandfather's room to see if everything was okay, but Naomi grabbed her hand to stop her.

- Miss Aiko,You should go change and treat your injuries first.

After a short glance at myself, I admit that Naomi was right, if my grandpa sees me like that, I will be home schooled once again for sure...

- oh....yeah you're right...

____________Time skip___________

Changed, bathed and wounds treated,
Aiko went to check on her grand father.
When she arrived, he was awake.

- grandpa.... She whispered.

- Aiko, Angel....

He sat up, and took her hands in his.

- My dear aiko, I..

She cut him off.

- grandpa... what's the dark tournament ?

He was chocked, not expecting her to ask about the dark tournament, but yet, he knew deep down inside that one day she'll discover it.

- w..what ? Who told y...sakyo... it's sakyo isn't it ?

- Yes, he told me about it, and that'll attend it on your behalf. So I want to know more about it so..

Full of rage, and mad at what she said he screamed


He couldn't finish his sentence, because of the caugh that was ripping his lungs and not letting him take a breath


Aiko tried to push the button so the nurse comes to help but he stopped her.

- it's.... it's too dangerous for you to go...even as an organiser.. don't.... don't you worry, I'll be able to attend it.

- Why is it dangerous ? What's really going on ?

- .....better for you not to know.

- ... it has something to do with the demons isn't it..?

- you should go to sleep, you have school tomorrow..

Aiko, was mad, her grandpa was hiding too much things, and she wanted to know more, which means she was ready to do anything to know.

Still almost three months before the tournament right ? Enough for me to know more. And what better places to know about the tournament than the place it's self ? The Island.

So sorry for the late update, I'll try and update more frequently 💓

Love 💓

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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