How It Started

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Hello everyone. I am Elsie Edwards. When I was in 3rd grade i moved to a different house near different people. I was the only girl on the street. I had a brother so I used to just tag along with them and try to show the guys that I could hang. It's wasnt easy but I did it. I was a little 8 year-old girl that loved white guys. I am black and for my family that wasnt usual. I had 3 friends on my street not counting my brother, Bo, Sean, and Seth. Over the years my bonds with them grew making my brother get new friends. Seth and I fell apart one day after him Sean and I slowly stopped talking but it might have been because he was so much older than me. But the one person that never left my side was Bo. We became so close our parents just found it normal for us to always be around each other. We developed haters and everything was going good until college rolled around....

continue reading to see what happened.

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