She takes the keys from my grasp and closes my car door with her free hand as she holds me with the other. She hits the door lock button and swoops me up bridal style walking into her house. She lays me on the couch and sits at my feet. Her hands roam up my toes to my ankles as she slips my shoes off and puts my feet on her lap. Afterwards, she begins massaging my feet, getting me to relax.
"What's wrong?" she questions, rubbing gently into the heels of my feet.
I calm down and gather the words I want to say to her.
"When I got home, Tez was fucking some girl in our dorm and.. It really pissed me off. I know I shouldn't be upset but it's just disrespectful. " I explain.
She raises an eyebrow at me and I continue. "I punched the girl in the throat and. Left. "
Asia chuckles hard and shakes her head. "You can't be doing that baby girl."
I sink low into the cushions and sigh.
"You can't stoop to these girl's level. Especially because I know you are a respectable woman. You too much of a good one to be fighting over a nigga that doesn't care fa' yo well-being."
I listen to her raspy voice trailing off and it makes me smile. She thinks very highly of me which probably won't last for long. She stops messaging my feet.
"You hungry?" she asks.
I shake my head getting up to explore the house. The slicked wood sticks to my oil moisturized feet as I walk to the paintings on her wall. They are all abstract and beautiful in a unique way. This is my first time seeing any paintings up close. I touch one slightly, feeling the roughness of the dried paint crumble under my fingertips. I skim my hand over the dresser that showcases pictures of her as a kid and her family.
"Is this your mom?" I ask tracing the warm caramel face that smiles in the photo.
"Yea, she is. She died of cancer when I was 9."
"How old are you now?" I touch the frame of the next framed photograph and its of her when she was a baby.
"I'm 22 now. " she proclaims. "That's me when I was three. "
I smile a little and turn to her. She sets a plate of microwaved Chinese on my side of the couch and eats the food on her plate. I giggle and take the chopsticks using them to eat. I hadn't realized how hungry I truly was until I ate all of my food and wanted more.
"You still hungry?" she grills me with a playful glare.
"Y-yes. " I whisper too shy to meet her gaze.
She pushes the food off of her plate onto mine. I look at her.
"Nooo you didn't have to. "
"I wanted to. " She reasons.
I finish the rest of the food and she turns on the television for us to watch. Asia rests on the arm on her side of the couch, as if she's afraid to get any closer. We sit this way until the Spongebob movie goes off. My feet are curled up under me when the movie's credits begin to roll.
"You wanna take a shower? Or anything? I have some clothes and shit to last you for the night."
"Yes please.." I agree to it.
She leads me up a staircase into her room and points me to the bathroom.
"You can sleep in here, I'll take the couch. There's new boxers in the closet and some pjs in the top drawer. I'll be downstairs if you need anything."
I smile at her and she closes the room door. I can hear her feet hit against the stairs as she stalks down them. I turn my music on and "Nights like this." by Kehlani and slip off my clothes stepping into the warm shower. Closing my eyes I feel my mind swarm with flashes of Tez and I. She used to be so perfect, or maybe I was just blind for so long.

Foster Kidz book 2: All Grown Up (Completed)
General FictionThis is a sequel to my first book "Foster Kidz". This is a detail of what Jahturi's life is like after high school. Read it and vote for me babes, enjoy❗