Chapter 10

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Anti P.O.V.

The demon dragon growls. Slowly it stands, but each movement rumbles the ground. The large creature immediately swings at me. I narrowly jump out of the way. It keeps swinging at Blank and I. "What are we going to do? We cant fight it!" I shout to Blank. "Working on it." We continue this dance of dodging before I see large, sharp, jagged rocks protruding from the ground. "I have a plan." I shout. I wait until the dragon is about to swing at me, and as it's claw is lifted, I duck behind on of the rocks. The rock breaks, but they also cut the dragon. The dragons attention is now solely intent on me. I continue to weave around rocks, and the dragon continues to get cut. But the dragon is smarter then I thought. It averts its attention to Blank. It brings its sharp talons down on an unsuspecting Blank. "Blank!" I shout. Blank barely has time to turn away from the creature. The razor sharp talons pierce Blank's skin, cutting deep into his back.

Blank screams in agony. Satisfied, the dragon slips into the water and leaves. I rush to Blank's side. He lies on the ground. "Blank! It's going to be okay, I promise. The dragon is gone, and I am here. I will get you back to the castle." Tears prick at my eyes as I notice the black ooze that is demon blood. Blank nods. I carefully lift him up, and put him arm around my shoulders. "Deep breath." The added weight of Blank is difficult to manage, and I'm worried the blood might attract the dragon again, but we make it to the shore without problems. "Anti, I dont think I'm gonna make it. Just please tell me you still have the belly scale." I look at my hand to see a cut from holding onto the scale so hard. "Don't say that Blank. It will be okay. I have the scale and you'll be fine." To try and stop the bleeding a bit, I take off my shirt and wrap it around like a bandage. Blank chuckles. "At least I got to see that toned body shirtless before I die." I growl in frustration. "You aren't going to die." Determined I lift him again, and head to the castle.

I feel Blank getting weaker with every step, and he is unconscious by the time I reach the castle, but he is alive. Immediately I seek medical attention for my wounded friend. I wait for the nurses and doctors. "The king lost a lot of blood. I don't know if he will make it. I don't know what we will do without our king." The nurse says despairingly. "Me neither." I whisper. Please be okay Blank, Please. Suddenly, I can't stand to be in here, and I know I have a mission to finish. "If- When Blank wakes up, tell him to communicate with me. He'l know what to do" The nurse nods. "Thank you, I have to go." And with that I leave to find the portal.

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