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Jeffs P.O.V
  I can't believe this dumbass plan worked! Slender will be very happy to know I successfully got the casket- to bad his little partner was there. Oh well, at least Sally gets someone to play with.

  I set down he unstable man in the mansion and I watch as he shivers and looks around twitching. His eyes are flickering! All he needs to push him is some blood~ I call for Jane and she comes down the stairs "What Jeff?" I point to the Johnny fellow and then I hand her my knife.

  She nods and stabs me in the shoulder, enough to cause pain but not enough to kill me. She tosses the knife to Johnny and waltz away.

Toasts P.O.V

  Hide and seek. Of course that's what she would want to play. And OF COURSE she is it.... little does that brat know I took her counting time and turned it into my escape time. I have to find Ghost. I have to find Ghost.I have to find Ghost. I have to find Ghost.I have to find Ghost. I have to find Ghost.I have to find Ghost. I have to find Ghost.I have to find Ghost. I have to find Ghost.

  I repeat this in my head until I realize I'm lost in the woods "FUCK!!!" I yell out, hot tears streaming down my face. How am I going to find Ghost now? I..I....

  "I failed you sir....." I say as I fall to my knees crying.

  That's when I hear laughter, it's familiar yet I can't place it.

  "Hello?! W-who's there? "

  "Awe cmon don't pretend you don't know my voice Toaster~"

Jimmys P.O.V

  I laugh as I look at the shocked expression on Toasters face. it. Is. priceless.

"N-no... I-...." he begins but I.. let's say I cut him off.

  I stab his arm "You what?~ Failed Ghostie?~ Honestly why do you even care for this pathetic waste of space Toaster?~ He is ugly, stubborn, pathetic, and SUCH a sap. You could have so much better~"

  Toaster looks at me with fury in his eyes, I just smirk.

"HE IS NOT PATHETIC! HE IS AMAZING AND MAKES ME HAPPIER THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE! HE IS NOT UGLY, HE IS PERFECT! AND YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT CASKET!" Toast huffs trying to control his rage- but his words are making Ghostie trying to take control- shit I'm losing control! Fine. Looks like we are going down that road.

  I smirk once more and grip my knife "Bye Bye Toaster~" he braces for impact.

  But to his surprise instead I begin to stab dear ghosties precious body OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!~ I then let that pathetic waste of space take control.


  Toasts P.O.V

  I wait in the waiting room at the E.R. Jimmy.... that bastard.... I-I could lose Ghost.....I almost start crying for the twentieth time but that's when a nurse walked my way. I bolt up

  "Is he ok?!?!?" I exclaim, to which the nurse gives a warm smile.

  "It was touch and go for awhile, but we all think Mr.Ghost will do just fine and make a full recovery."

  I begin to cry tears of joy "Oh thank you thank you thank you!!!"

  -----6 Months Later-----

   Ghosts P.O.V

I take a seat at a table with Toast, it's been months since we have gone on a date, I'm super happy!! After awhile we get our drinks and strike up a conversation about P.I.E. Eventually Toast starts to seem so nervous, he's shifting around in his chair and sweating a bi.

  "You okay hon?" I ask tilting my head "Oh um- y-yes sir... I just.. I- I have a question"

  "Go ahead! You know you can ask me anything!" I smile warmly.

  He blushes and nods "Well... I-it's a simple question r-really..." he stands and walks to me, he gets down on one knee and my heart drops

  "J-Johnathan Ghost... you have made me so happy for longer than I can remember, every memory I make with you is something that means more to me than anything. I love you so much.... so will you make me even happier than you already do.... and marry me?"

  At first I'm to shocked to speak, then finally I burst into tears and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tight.
"YES YES YES!!!! A MILLION TIMES YES!!" He begins to cry aswell are we hug and kiss happily.

  That's the end folks! Sorry I was just needing to knock off one of my stories because I'm planning on making a new story soon with completely original characters! So here is the finale!  Bai Bai now  my  lovelies!
~ Love Mae

Johnny Ghost x Johnny Toast UwU Where stories live. Discover now