Kevin's Choice

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Silver was listening to the rest of the Rangers talking, as she looked over at Jayden.

"The Bull Disc has the power to combine all of the zords into a single Samurai Gigazord."

Jayden said, as all of the Rangers had their respective discs on the table and Silver held her Wolf Disc in her hand.

"That's some seriously bad mojo though. There was a reason that the Bullzord was buried away for 300 or so good years." Mike said.

"There's no doubt that there's huge risk involve. If not done right, all of the Zords could be completely, and totally obliterated."

Jayden said, and Silver clenched her hand around her Wolf Disc tight, and his eyes went to Antonio.

"But, I'm confident that Antonio can master it." He said, handing the Disc to Antonio and Silver looked at him.

"Not that I don't trust Antonio, but... I don't think we should be taking a risk this big. We don't have any idea, what is up with Serrator and Master X. For all we know, they are all coming right now for us." Silver said.

"Silver, come on, we all know that we'd be able to sense it by now." Mike said, and Silver looked at him.

"Who's side are you on Mike?" She asks, and he looked at him. "You've got to be joking." He said.

"I agree with Silver. It's too big a risk."

Ren said, quickly grabbing her Coyote Disc back from the table. "I'm in, with this plan. If you think that our Golden boy can master it, I'm good with it."

Darren said, putting his Eagle Disc on the table. "I'm with Darren on this. He is right just like Jayden. I'll deny I ever said that by the way."

Liana said, and she tossed her Thunderbird hard onto the table, and Jayden shrugged.

Silver ran off with the others to stop the Nighlok, and the Rangers stood in a single line.

"Kevin! Morph already!" Mike said.

"I wish I could. But the Nighlok just ate my Samuraizer." Kevin said, and Silver looked at him.

"You're kidding right?" She said. "Ate it?" Mia said, her tone both surprised and very shocked all at once.

"Oh come on. You're kidding right?"

Antonio said, and Kevin shook his head quickly. "Don't worry, we'll stop him. Just stay back."

Jayden said, and Silver nodded slightly at Kevin, as she settled into what was now a familiar fighting stance for her.

"You know, it's rude to interrupt someone when they're eating!"

The Nighlok shouted, and then his arms, which had his two mouths on the ends of them, flung out towards us.

"Argh!" Silver said, slashing at the mouths as Mike was tossed away, and she ducked fast.

Then Emily and Mia were thrown back after, and Silver tumbled down hard, and only just before Antonio, had hit ground level again.

"Antonio!" Jayden said, and he turned to the Nighlok quickly, and charged at him, and slashed repeatedly, until the Nighlok had disappeared somewhere.

"But what about Kevin's Samuraizer?"

Emily asked, and all of us demorphed, and Silver looked at her Wolf Disc and she looked at Jayden, and handed it to him.

"He'll be back when he's hungry, which by the looks of it, won't be long until he does." Antonio said.

"Are you okay?" Mia asked, looking at Kevin. "Yeah, but I lost my Samuraizer to a Nighlok eating it." Kevin said.

"Jeez." Silver said, and when Kevin walked into the room of the House, around hours later.

"You're right. I saw this in the town today. Kevin's old swim team is in the town for the regional finals." Ji said, and Silver sighed at the poster.

"Listen, Kevin can't fight without his Samuraizer. He needs time, to figure things out." Jayden said.

"Then we'll give it to him. And we'll find his Samuraizer in the process."

Mike said, and Silver nodded at him.

"Yeah we will." She said, and they all went to sleep, well, Silver tried to at a rate of failure at a hundred percent.

In the morning the Gap Sensor went off, and Silver ran with the rest, and Ji looked at them all.

"The Nighlok is back. He's in the City Center." Mentor said, and Emily looks at all of us. "But what about Kevin?"

She said. "I'm sure that wherever he is, he's okay. He'll join us, when he is ready."

Jayden said, and they all ran off real quickly. Silver followed the others as they morphed. "Go Go Samurai!"

They all shouted, and they all morphed. "Rangers Together! Samurai Forever!"

They all shouted and charged quickly at him. "We have to figure out, where he's got Kevin's Samuraizer."

Jayden said. "I got it!" Mike said, pulling out his own Samuraizer and calling Kevin's.

"Hey! How come my right arm's ringing?" Scarf, the Nighlok said, and suddenly Deker and Dayu appeared to distract us all.

"Deker? It can't be!"

Silver and Jayden both said together.

"Forgive me, but I must intrude."

He said, and Dayu took on Mia and Emily and Mike, as Silver and Jayden with Antonio took on Deker.

"Black Box! Super Samurai Mode!"

Jayden said, as Silver charged at Deker, swinging her staff hard above her head and yelling a battle cry.

"You're just a girl in a Silver Ranger suit." Dayu said, and Silver knocked her back, and turned back to Deker.

"Hey! I think he's just stalling for time!" Antonio said. "For what? What are they waiting for?!" Jayden said.

"My tummy hurts! I'm really full now!" Scarf the Nighlok said, and Deker ran towards him quickly just now, with Dayu behind him.

"Alright Dayu. Let's do this for Serrator." Deker said, and Dayu nodded quickly. "Right!"

And they both attacked Scarf at once.

"But that guy's on their team."

Antonio said, and Dayu looked at him.

"His true power is unleashed only after he is defeated, you'll see." Dayu said. "We're done here."

Deker said, and the two of them disappeared quickly away, and Silver looked at the others.

"We need to get Kevin's Samuraizer back." Emily said, her voice slightly on the edge of panic now.

"Watch this." Jayden said, and he yelled a battle cry as he slashed at Scarf's right arm, and cut in half.

"I got it!" He said, grabbing the Samuraizer just before the Nighlok exploded behind him.

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