He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My Brother [3]

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Silver was walking past the theatre, her headphones on, and Antonio was singing, and she pulled them off.

She walked into the theater, and Antonio looked at her. "I'm here to sing. Just... please don't tell Jayden, that he was right."

She said, and Antonio smiled at her.

"Gold and Silver." Terry said, and he tossed her a microphone, and she put her jacket along with her headphones and stuff quickly to the side.

"Every day."

Silver lifted the microphone to her lips and took a deep breath now again having second thoughts about this.

"Every day. All we wanna have is fun, fun, fun." Silver sang, and she smiled as Antonio looked at her.

"You guys ready?" Antonio asked the band at large, and they nodded at his question, and Silver shrugged at him.

"Every day. All we wanna have is fun, fun, fun. Fun any way."

"So just come and join us."

"One by one. So let's just make this party last."

"Man. We are definitely tight." Terry said, and Silver smiled. "I missed this. A lot." She said.

Back at the Shiba House, Emily opened the door and got a flyer from Terry.

"Featuring Silver and Antonio?" Emily said to herself, holding the flyer in her hands.

Silver had a change of clothes in her duffel bag, and then her Samuraizer went off.

"Great." She muttered to herself, and then she promptly caught up quickly to the others. "Go Go Samurai!"

They all yelled, and morphed quickly as they ran towards Serrator who was standing there waiting for them all.

Serrator blasted us back, and then all of the Moogers came, and they charge and so did the Rangers.

Silver pulled out her staff, and began to fight quickly, going back to back in a line with the rest.

"This is much better. With all of you Rangers out of the way, I can finally put my plan into action. It's a one bad nightmare come true." Serrator said.

Mia charged at Serrator quickly and Jayden threw the Black Box at her and she caught it. "Thanks! That'll help!"

She said.

"Super Samurai Mode!"

Mia said, and she was now a Super Samurai like we had almost all been since we got it.

"Turtle Disc! Super spin sword! Super Air Way! Super Samurai Slash!" She's made Serrator hurt where no one else could so far.

"That hurt!" Serrator shouted. "This part's just getting started! Payrox!" He said, and disappeared quickly.

"Woah! Cheerleading Moogers." Mike said. "We've got to take this up a notch and very quickly." Kevin said.

"You're right. Mia, use the Samurai Combination Disc." Jayden said. "Right and I'll form the Samurai Megazord."

Mia said, and put the Samurai Combination Disc into the Black Box, and shut it, holding it up.

"Samurai Combination!" She said.

"I'll pilot the Bullzord." Jayden said, and Silver pulled out her Wolf Disc as she looked at it.

"Wolf Disc! Full power unleashed."

She said, and her Megazord appeared quickly. "Megamode Power!" She said, and leapt into it.

"Okay, Bullzord, let's get to work."

Jayden said. "Samurai Megazord, we are United." Mia said. "Let's go!" Silver said, and sunk the Megazord's fangs into bottom of the Moogers tower.

"Bull Disc! Bullzord Transformation! Bull Megazord, armed for Battle." Jay said.

"Now let's show them that we all mean business." He said, and then we were returning the fire blasts hitting the Moogers with their own attacks.

"Claw to shreds!" Antonio said.

"Turtle Katana Power! Samurai Strike!" The Samurai Megazord occupants said, all as one.

"Revolving Laser Blaster!" Jayden said. "Full Moonlight Howl!" Silver said, and the Papyrox disappears.

"Samurai Rangers, Victory is ours."

Jayden said, and Silver had already disappeared long ago. "Hey where did Silver go?"

He asked, and everyone looked at each other knowingly, but not one of them responded to him.

"Come on. Where is she?"

He asked, definitely now sensing, that there was something off and a secret was being kept.

"She's fine. Better, then fine actually. You'll see soon enough." Ren said, as Liana and Darren came out ready to go.

"Let's get going. I bet that Silver is there already." Liana said, as they all walked off.

"Got some time to share, the sun is everywhere
Take my hand, let's do it together
Shake it up and dance, take a- take-a chance
It's gonna last, forever and ever
We gonna have some fun, we gonna get it done
And do it together now, we gonna show you how..."

Antonio sang, as the other rangers walked in, and Silver was standing next to Antonio, and she was holding a microphone of her own.

"She's singing?" Jayden said, and Silver smiled slightly from on stage and Ren chuckled. "Yep." She said.

"We do it right, everyday
All we want to have is fun, fun, fun
Fun anyway...
So just come and join us, one by one"

"Show what you know-ow! (yeah, yeah)
N go-o! (yeah, yeah)
N know-ow! We can't let this moment pass..."

"Know-ow! (yeah, yeah)
N go-o! (yeah, yeah)
N know-ow! let's just make this party last..."

The crowd went insane as the song finished, and Mia had joined Silver, Antonio, and Terry, for the final few verses and Silver smiled as they all walked off the stage.

"Silver!" Jayden called, and Silver sighed. "Here it comes." She said, and was immediately crushed in a hug.

"Ow. Jay, you're crushing me."

She said, and he released her quickly, and raised a single eyebrow at her, as she was smiling, even when she clear did not want to be.

"I guess I better say this now, you were right." She said, and he chuckled at her, before he hugged her with one arm to preserve her ribs from being a crushed mess from another hug.

"Antonio that was awesome man! I can't believe that you actually got up on stage Storm!"

Mike said, and Silver shrugged.

"When you've forgotten something, and you've found it again, it can be the best, or the worst part of your life again. It depends on what you make of it." Silver said

"Shut it with the quotes for once will you Storms?" Jayden asks and Antonio hugged Silver, who smiled at him.

"No more cameras?" She said. "No more cameras. I promise." He said and she nodded at him. "I'll be holding you to that." She said. "I'm counting on it." He said.

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