Chapter 6

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This wasn't happening. It had to be some kind of dream. Sernatty just so happens to be sleeping over? This cannot be right.

But, as reality struck me, I found it to be exactly how it seemed.

"So, I have some pajamas that are my mom's… She's actually extremely small, so I wouldn't be surprised if they fit." I said sheepishly, handing Sernatty a pair of yoga pants and a button shirt. She smiled and went into the bathroom to change.

I wiped my brow and sat down on the couch, sighing. The raindrops slowly slid down my windows, refelecting the radiating blasts from the lightning overhead, and I stared intently at them. The lights went out and I heard a slight stumble from the bathroom. I got up, grabbing my phone for light, and walked over to the door, knocking slightly and calling out for her.

"Sern? You okay in there?" I asked, feeling slightly worried when I didn't get an immediate response. I waited for a few seconds before knocking again. There was slight movement and the door swung open, nearly hitting me square in the face.

"I'm fine, just a minor complication… Power seems to have gone out…" she said, frowning slightly. She held her clothes tightly to her, as if distressed. The lightning struck, and Sern fell to the ground, cringing hard and dropping all her belongings.

"Sernatty!" I gaped aloud, crouching to help her up. She was shaking hard, flustered but okay. I grimaced.

"We should get to some light source. Mind the mess, we'll take care of it in the morning." I said, guiding Sernatty back to the couch.

Luckily, we had candles and a fireplace. However, since there was rain, our only real option was using the candles. I carefully set them up and sighed, taking a place next to Sernatty, who was gazing at the fire flickering from the wick.

"You… alright? You seem a bit distant…" I asked, looking over at Sernatty. She stared back at me and said nothing. The crack of thunder echoed and she jumped, burying her head into my shoulder and breathing out heavily. She drew in a quick breath before realizing the situation. Hurriedly, she pushed back, looking down with a sheepish face of embarassment.

I began to chuckle slightly at her bashfulness, making her shove me playfully.

"You hush now. Its not my fault you've gotta be so close! It's like you like me or something." she teased, laughing a bit. I froze but quickly recovered, shooting back at her, "Yeah, cause that's why you clung to me like I was your boyfriend." I smirked and laughed, poking her side repeatedly. She rolled her eyes and began to giggle slightly as I made pretend kissing noises at her, still slightly tickling her.

"Adande you wierdo, get off of me!" she cried, laughing hard while attempting to push me off of her. I smiled widely and kept at it, accidentally knocking off her glasses onto the ground. She grabbed the back of my neck and hurled me to the floor, sitting on my back and holding me down.

"I am victorious!" she shouted, giggling fairly hard. I smirked and flipped her over, landing atop of her and holding her arms down.

"Not in this lifetime, Sern!" I laughed, holding down her struggling self until she finally gave in. We both panted, still smiling wildly, both tired from the fight we both put up during our tassle.

"Well played freckle face… but I win, not that that's a surprise…" I joked, smirking. She shook her head, smiling and blinking slightly. Not knowing why, I was compelled to look into her eyes, which gleamed of a bright enchanting yellow, and I whispered gently.

"I have never seen eyes so beautiful…"

I realized what I had said and got up off of Sern, sitting next to her and covering my mouth with my sweater sleeves.

"Sorry…" I muttered, feeling my cheeks flare profusely. I felt a light touch on my shoulder and I looked up to see Sern's face. She leaned onto my shoulder and shook her head, sighing and gently breathing.

She's kinda adorable when she's tired… I thought, pulling her closer and covering us both with a blanket. I blew out thr candles that stood in front of us and smiled, holding Sern's warm, sleeping body close to mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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