Normal Teenagers

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Alec: 40
Max: 17
Rafael: 19
Amabel: 15
Since I added a bunch of characters I will add their age here as well if they appear in the chapter.
To clear things up: "dad" refers to Alec and "papa" to Magnus.
Enjoy reading!

"Sometimes I love being homeschooled," Amabel told him beaming. Max was visiting the New York Insititute with his family because they were celebrating Rafael's successful graduation from the Shadowhunter Acadamy there.  His older brother had decided to become a Shadowhunter, just like their dad.

He wasn't the best fighter but definitely a quick thinker. And Max never missed an opportunity to tease him about the lack of fighting skills. Amabel and he had become very close, their personalities complimented each other. Plus they were both homeschooled, due to obvious reasons.

His uncle Simon had wanted to let the girl go to a mundane school at first, but Isabelle had convinced him that young  Lycanthrobes sometimes had difficulties controlling their emotions and that might be a problem. Max had mostly been taught by his papa, in magic and all other necessary topics.

His dad had successfully fought for the claves changes regarding the mundanes. Now it wasn't against the law to tell them, but the Nephilim or Downwoarlder who gave away information was the one held responsible if they led anything slip. In other words, they had to be trustworthy. Not that there hadn't been a bunch of people who had broken that law before the changes had been made, unpunished by shadowhunters that knew, including uncle Simon. The clave didn't know a lot in the end.

His next goal was to get the Shadowhunter Academy to be a place for all creatures of the shadow world, accepting not just Nephilim but also Downworlders, to teach the young tolerance from an early age. Sure, the lessons had to be adapted but it was possible. But it wasn't going to happen in time for the two teenagers.

"Why? Because you can annoy your instructor without serious consequences?" Max asked, that was at least what he did with dad when he wasn't in the mood to learn. Luckily for the older warlock, he was eager to train his magical abilities most of the time.

Amabel laughed and shook her head "No. Because I would have to be in school, enduring math or physic or some other torture right now if I wasn't" she explained grinning. She had a deep interest in mundane culture and considering her dad grew up as one not so long ago and her aunt Rebecca still was one she knew a bunch of stuff.

Max had never really cared about what the mundanes learned in school or what else they did. But he liked what they did for fun. This was why he was on the way to a skating hall with Amabel right now. Since he spent most of his time in Alicante and unfortunately wasn't yet able to create a portal he didn't have access to mundane entertainment a lot.

Luckily keeping his glamour up was no difficulty for him anymore. Most of the time he didn't have to hide his blue skin and the horns, so it had taken him a while to learn how to keep it up, but now it didn't even take effort anymore. He grinned at the thought of how the mundanes would freak out if he exposed his warlock mark.

His brother's celebration party was this evening, so he had still enough time to enjoy the day with his friend. He stuck close to her side because he would get hopelessly lost in the big city without her. Of course, he had been to New York before, but Amabel knew it way better than he did.

Once they made it inside the skating hall, of course, the annoying owner had to put his nose in their business "Shouldn't you two be in school at this hour?" he asked, lifting a brow, obviously thinking that they were skipping class. That guy really didn't want their money, it seemed.

"Homeschooled," Max told him a bit too snappy, causing the mundane to narrow his eyes at him suspiciously. "Look you can call my father if you don't believe us," he grinned, wondering if it would be more fun to call dad or papa for that. He decided onto the latter, Magnus had a way to talk that irritated those kinds of people and the man's face would surely be hilarious.

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