The story is about a girl.... who discover new changes in her feelings..... yes!!!! she has a crush on a guy... her first crush... it's amazing how we turned out to be a person we are today... depends on a lot on our first crushes... some start shar...
Nandita a teenage girl of Indian culture. But not as every Indian as seemed by the entire world she was totally opposite from being an idle one. Both of her parents were working to complete their basic needs and to give her the best. She being their only daughter gained a lot of attention by them but as like every normal Indian family pressure of studies always governed her life though she never get bothered about it...
Today Nandita was standing near the bus-stop waiting for her new school bus. Though she was a fun loving girl but seeing unfamiliar faces gazing at her with their mouth open as if they saw an alien on their bus. She tried to avoid every eye contact she could and since the bus was partially filled so she managed to get a seat by window. She sat on her seat and tried to open the window glass, as soon as she opened it her hair was filled by fresh air of morning breeze. She closed her eyes and started thinking about him... him.... and him....
It was about two years ago... Nandita was sitting in her old school bus , refused to shut her mouth and chattering with all her familiar faces, singing all the way from home to school enjoying every moment... those were the days she never noticed how and when the bus end up to school gate. She barely knew any streets, shops or any landmark... just her and her journey...
"tring .... tring...." she heard the bicycle ring as she stepped out of the school bus ready to be in the queue. She turned around with the intention to yell at .. but she somehow couldn't , she wanted to say something but she saw him... for the first time she felt the time stopped and her heartbeats were unusually high. Nandita even today refused to admit "love at first sight " but she knew it was something at first sight...
The boy continued to smile at her and said "can u get aside the last school bell just rang a few seconds ago " without saying a word she changed her feet's direction and maintained the discipline of the queue. She wasn't in control of her mind, her heart governed it all . Her heart was still managing to be in their normal rhythm. As soon as she gained her full control back she started wondering about him. She looked all around but failed to find him so she came on her toes lifted her neck up in order to regain his image but still she couldn't gain any success. She started wondering who he was... was he her imagination? no he couldn't be he was so real, she couldn't imagine those words . But where is he??
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Everybody was ready for the assembly yet she wasn't... how she could be , she denied it to be a mere imagination. She was looking here and there to prove her intuitions wrong but with every gaze her mind won and her heart lost. The whole assembly was filled by students singing the prayer "EYES IN SEARCH OF YOU". For others their eyes was in search of wisdom but for her they were in search of a single proof to believe on her own eyes...
Could she find him or he would remain her something at first sight ??