Chapter One {The One with the Crush}

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 I regained my focus to a hand waving back and forth, right in front of my face. I sigh and frown turning to the owner of the hand. “What?” It was Damian, he always knows how to bother me.

 He smirks and moves his hand away from my face. “Were you day dreaming again?” He laughs and so does everyone else at the table. 

My face turns pink and I glare at him. “No, I was just lost... in thought.” 

He smirks and leans closer to me. “Lost thinking about your crush?” He proceeds to wiggle his eyebrows with a knowing grin.

 My face goes a darker shade of pink and I glare more. “Hell no, I was thinking about all of the homework we got in second period. Not that it matters to you, Damian.”

He moves back in his seat and frowns, crossing his arms. “Well damn, sorry grumpy pants I didn’t mean to piss you off.” 

I glare and lean back in my seat and copy his actions. “You didn’t piss me off your just accusing me of acting in a way I’m not.”

I heard a light chuckle and I turned to find the source of the noise. It was one of the other people sitting at my lunch table, Nova. She looks right at me and smirks. “He wasn’t accusing you of anything. We all know you have a crush on someone. You just won’t man up to it.”

A faint “yep” could be heard across from her and I turn to it, her twin sister Nora. She was leaning towards me, holding herself up on her elbows with her hands held together resting on the table. “Another thing, why won’t you tell us who it is?” She proceeds to put on a fake pout. 

I sigh and sit up straight. “I won’t tell you who it is because there is nobody that I like. Not a single person.”

Damian sighs and rests his head on the table still eyeing me down. “You’re such a pain in the ass, Oliver. You don’t even know how to have fun, let alone love anything.” He turns to the others. “He’s probably telling the truth, there is not a single person on this Earth he is capable of loving.” 

I glare and stand up, harshly slamming my hands down on the table. “I am fun just sometimes I don’t like to deal with your bullshit! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m leaving. Enjoy lunch asshole.” I stormed out of the lunchroom and up to the roof, throwing the door open and causing it to crash against the wall before swinging back closed once I was already out. I began pacing around the roof.


I was sitting on the floor next to the door when I heard loud footsteps rushing up the stairs to the roof. Freaking out, I scrambled to gather my things and move away from the door. The door swung open and hit the wall right next to me, causing a loud crash to emanate from the impact. I flinched slightly from the loud noise, but I immediately froze when I noticed someone pacing back and forth, right in front of me. They had relatively long orange hair that was mostly covered by a white baseball cap. I didn’t know what to do. Whether I should move or stay, but I just stayed there listening to them yell and rant, about a... crush they had? I shouldn’t be here, this is none of my business. I began to shuffle backwards away from them when I slipped and lost my balance, falling onto my side. The impact of the ground scattered my belongings across the concrete floor. The person looked right at me, their eyes were wide with fear. Why, what did they see?


I couldn’t focus. I wanted to yell at the world, but also at myself. Why was I getting so mad? Damian was just being his normal annoying and rude self, but why was it making me so angry? “Goddammit! Why can’t I just come to my senses and give up already?” I yelled to nobody in particular but maybe myself.  I just wanted to let it all out. I wanted to let the world hear. “Why can’t I just tell them? Tell them how much I care about them. How much I want to get to know them and become closer to them?” I sighed again and sped up my pacing. “Why can’t I just say, I love you No-” A loud thud caused me to stop and turn to the source. I froze, my breath hitched and I looked right to the person on the floor in front of me. “...Noah?” I squeaked, my breath starting to pick up as panic took over all my other emotions. 

He nods and keeps staring at me, curiosity plastered on his face. Or fear. I couldn’t tell. I look next to him and notice all of his stuff spread along the floor. I lightly shook my head. “Oh, let me help you with that.” I force a smile and begin walking towards the mess. As I get closer, he glances at his stuff then to me, shoving his arm in front of me to stop me from going any closer. “Stop!” He yells and looks up at me before turning and starting to pick it all up himself. “I got it.” He says quietly still looking away from me. I just stand there and watch him pick up his stuff before he stands up and turns to me.


I was picking up my stuff and I could feel his eyes on me. Watching me. It made me uncomfortable. Gathering all of my things, I stand up and turn to him looking right at him. Damn his eyes were amazing. Wait, STOP! You’re being creepy. I look back down and hold my things closely to my person. “Could you step aside?” I look back up at him and he looks at me tilting his head slightly. “Adorable.” I thought. It takes him a moment to realize what I meant and he steps to the side, giving me barely enough room to get by. I force a smile and walk past him, turning to him as I get to the door of the stairwell. “Forget you saw me up here, okay?” He just looks at me blankly, I sigh and turn opening the door, but before I can even take a step to go through it, he grabs my arm. Turning to him I glare, but stop when I notice he’s not even looking at me. 

“What did you hear?” He looks up at me, his red eyes had worry trapped in them. I yanked my arm away from his grasp and just look up at him annoyed. “Basically everything, you came up here and started rambling about hopeless love while I was just sitting on the floor, how was I not supposed to hear you…” He sighs and takes his cap off, ruffling his hair, then putting the cap back on. “Look I will forget I saw you up here if you do something for me,” He smirks and I sigh looking him dead in the eyes. “You know what, no it’s not even that big of a deal you saw me up here. I don’t care about it that much, so don’t try and use this to drag me into some dumb game, okay?” He just stands there, looking at me. He opens his mouth and stops, closing it a few seconds after. His smirk falls and he finally says something. “I'm not trying to drag you into some game. I just need you to help me with something.” I sigh and open the door, ignoring anything he says as I walk down the stairs and away from him. 


He just left.  He just walked away.  He didn’t even stay to hear what I was going to say. Not like it matters though. I would much rather he be away from me while I freak out on the school's roof. Speaking of which... “Holy crap! I’m such a moron. Why did I make it worse? Stupid, stupid, stupid.” I continued pacing back and forth while running my fingers through my hair and feeling like an idiot. Eventually, I calmed down and just sat on the roof, gripping my cap in my hand tightly. “Why is he the only person at this damn school I can’t talk to confidently?” I sigh and run my fingers through my hair again, gripping my baseball cap in my hands while looking down at the gravel on the ground. 

After a while of sitting on the roof, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over and the fourth period was about to start. I disliked this class for one particular reason: Damian was in this class. And he loves to annoy me the most because he knew I was always so serious about doing good in school. Also because he would always catch me drooling over Noah. I guess the last thing is only my fault, but still, it upset me that he thought he had to always make fun of me. Other than that I really liked that class and all of my classes for a matter of fact. 

Sighing, I stand up and walk through the school to my next class, keeping my head down and ignoring the multiple people saying things ranging from “hey” to “see you later, Oliver.” I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. Not right now. 

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