Chapter Two {The One with the Mother}

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Ten minutes. Its been ten minutes and Damian won’t stop looking at me. Sighing, I turn to my right and look at him, our eyes locking. He smirks and sticks his tongue out at me while raising his eyebrows. Sighing again, I focus on the front of the class and try to ignore him yet again. I swear everything is always the same with him and I. “He’s so damn annoying.” I thought while taking notes and slightly paying attention to the class.

After a few minutes, he slides a note onto my lap and smiles while leaning back in his seat. Frowning I grab the slip of paper and bring it up to the surface of the table, resting it beside my class notes and abandoning it there.

He looks at me a look of betrayal plastered on his face, I turn to him and glare. He shrugs and points at the note raising his eyebrows and tilting his head slightly. Sighing I start to look away, he waves his hands frantically and smirks. He points at the note again and mouths “open it, please” Frowning, I look away and continue to work on my class notes.
After about twelve minutes of him leaving me alone and actually letting me take notes, he leaned over and kicked my leg. “Seriously?” I thought. I didn’t look at him. I was not going to let him win this. He didn’t deserve to know he was actually seriously pissing me off. But he knew, he always knew when and how to make me mad.

Finally, class was over and while I was quickly gathering my things he just watched me. He examined me with his forest lime green eyes and a smirk spreading slowly across his face. He really creeped me out sometimes, but he was my, as much as I hate to say it, friend. So I couldn’t just leave. I gathered my things and looked at him, frowning. “What do you want? You wouldn’t leave me alone during class so this better be good, Damian?”

He looked at me and let his smirk fall into a smile, a “sweet” and “innocent” one. He stood up, swinging his bag over his shoulder and shoving his hands into his pockets, still looking at me. “Why didn’t you open the note?” I held my backpack strap tightly and sighed, looking at him with a straight face. “I was trying to pay attention to class. Something you should seriously consider doing at least once.” He grinned and looked over my shoulder then back to me.

“You know, I’m sorry about what I did at lunch.” Looking down he rubs his neck. When he looked back up at me it was weird. He looked sorry. He never looked sorry. I stood there confused. I didn’t even know what to say, so the first thing that came to mind slipped out. “You’re sorry? Why would you be sorry for anything?” I froze, what did I just say? His expression didn’t change; he still looked sorry. His shoulders sunk slightly and he opened his mouth to talk but stopped, looking away he started rubbing his neck. “You know, I’m actually trying to figure that out myself. I don’t entirely know why I’m sorry, but believe me, I am. I really am. What I said was horrible, and it’s not true. You do know that right? That it isn’t true?”

My mouth was hanging slightly open in shock. He was never sorry, and he never not once had talked to me like a sensible human being. He looked over at me and let out a soft awkward laugh. His hand dropped to his side and his other remained in his pants pocket. “I should get going before im late,” He said and waved to me as he walked out of the classroom, leaving me shocked and alone.  


The rest of the day was slow, very slow but finally, the school day was over. Walking out of the school, my eyes focused on nothing but the cement sidewalk as I made my way home. The entire way back I knew someone was behind me, going the same way to their own house. And I knew exactly who it was. It was Noah. We lived in the same direction, but not in the same area. At least not close, I would turn right to go home and he would keep walking, I was curious as to how far we lived apart, but not curious enough to be a creep and follow him. That would only make things awkward. Well, more awkward than things already are with him. I’ve talked with him, what, once today and two other times in the past? Not like he even remembers though. The chances of actually getting close to him were slim, but tomorrow was going to be the day that I set my plan into action.

Smiling to myself I made it to my turn, turning right I walked to my house, glancing back to see Noah pass the turn and walk on to his home. On the way up to my front door, I stopped at the garage door and glanced at it. Walking over to it, I lifted myself onto my toes and peered through the small windows at the top. Parked inside the garage was a red 2013 Honda Fit. letting out a heavy sigh, I continued on my way to the front door. Opening the door and walking in, locking it behind myself I rushed upstairs. “Maybe she’s not actually home.” I thought, opening my bedroom door. I closed the door softly behind myself and walked over to my desk I placed my backpack down beside it. Looking over to my bed, I let gravity pull me face-first into the soft, tightly tucked blankets. “Today was exhausting!” I breathe out while sighing tiredly, flipping onto my back and looking up at the ceiling. With a sudden urge, I extended my hand into the air, grabbing onto the mass of nothingness. No real reason for it, I just felt the need to.

“Why was he saying sorry? Why did he actually look sorry?” I thought out loud while gazing at my hand that was still reaching out. “He must have been faking it. There is no way he would actually feel bad for what he did, especially to me.” Sighing yet again and pushing myself up, I collected my school things from beside the desk and started working on my homework for the night.


The night was almost over and I was sitting on my bed reading when there was a light knock at my door. Knowing who it was I groaned very softly and placed the book down. “Come in.” Seconds passed and the doorknob turned slowly and my mother walked into the room, a small smile on her face. “Hey honey, how was school?” I forced a slight smile. “It was good, as usual.” She nodded and let her hand fall from the doorknob to her side. “That’s good. I’m glad. I just came to see if you were planning on eating anything tonight. I made sure there are some microwavable dinners in the freezer outside…” She wouldn’t look at me while she talked. She never made eye contact with me and I know why. She was scared of the look on my face. The look that I would always hide with a smile. An extremely forced one. So that just in case she did ever make eye contact with me she wouldn’t see the look she expects.

Forcing a smile still, I nod knowing she can’t really see it. “Thanks, I’ll make sure to make something here soon.” She nodded and started to leave the room, glancing back at me she grabbed the doorknob and started closing it. Looking back to the hallway she fully closed my door and my smile was immediately replaced with a frown, grabbing my cap off my head and running my fingers through my hair I sighed again. “Geez,” I softly breathed out, staring at the door.


The rest of the night was pretty normal. I stayed in my room reading and playing the occasional game on my phone. I only left my room to get food and wash up for the night. My mother never returned to check on me. She was either in her bedroom doing whatever or she left for the night like she usually does. I was used to it by now, she was usually like this. She was always leaving for work half the time and the other half she was doing something out with her friends or some random stranger. Being completely honest I didn’t care enough to look into it. It was her time that she wasted messing around with people that meant little to nothing in her life. Not like I meant much to her either. She made that obvious to me a long time ago.

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