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I open my eyes, I didnt hear it at the time.. but soon I hear the abundent rapid knocking at the door.
She tells me to go eat breakfast, I do. I get a cinnamon roll, and something called "Bacon" and It was delicious..
I go to my room to see a training type jumpsuit on ny bed with a giant 11 writen in yellow on the back.
I put it on and me and Colette get to the training room.

The lady talks about the stations and I see the ground of kids 1-4 all together.. I remember Maria calling them Carriers.. Im pretty sure their dangerous..

She wants to go to wepans so I say ee will meet up later and I make my way to plants..
I play the matching game and get a B on it. A B, wont keep me alive..
I play untill I get an A+ on it and smile.
I then spend time learning how to tie ropes, make fires, the basic survival stuff.. and by the end of the day?
I think I did pretty good!

I meet up with Colette at lunch and we sit together when a boy, bry was his name I think.. walks up, I notoce A giant yellow 9 on his suit.
"Hey can I sit here?" He asks smiling
I look to Colette and we both nod.

"Sure" I say eating my cheese.
He sits down, Im bry he holds his hands out, Colette shakes it,
"I'm Colette.." she says
Then I shake it,
"And Im Collin" I see him go pale,

"That Collin?" I think I know where hes going with this..
"Like Collin Watkins, Collin!?"
I knew it.
My hand goes behind my head,
His face shows pure joy
"Omg! Everyone knows you! Your so famous! Son of the first victor.." he smiles, I nod slightly annoyed.

He seams to be older maybe 13, 14?
Not sure, but definitely older.

Once lunch is over we go back to training and I climb some stuff..
I climb the ropes, jump reaching stuff, At the end of the day everything hurts and I go to my room colapsing on my bed not even going to dinner..

Next thing I know im at training with Colette, and.. Bry, Colette goes to survival, and i go to weapons this time with bry,
I find out im actually really good with spears, and Tridants! Anything long..
I throw. Few and hit bulls eye,
I laugh a bit at how good I am at this..
And OVUISLEY my mom has trained me since I was little for this.. but never eith slears or tridants.. I wander why, Im pretty good at bows, and Sickles, Sometimes Axes, and knives!
But Particularly im good at Spears..
Me, Bry, and Colette meet up for lunch..

After lunch we finish training. Tomarow are the Provate trainings, the first time we will actually know the other tributes strengths and weaknesses.. I stumble home and fall asleep in my bed right away.

The next morning we get up amd hey ready heading for the private trainings, I sit next to Colette, were near the back so its a long wait..
Soon its district 6..
Then Collete walks threw the doors saying our short goodbyes.. and then i hear my name

"Collin Watkins."
I stand up.
I wave bye to the district 12 kids, and they smile slightly as to wish goodluck..
My hand grips the cold metal slab pf the door handle and it creeks as I lush it open slowly.
Before me lies, a very long hallway, it seams to go on forever, then It turns there, and goes, well.. who even knows! I start the walk, then reach the bend where its zig zag from there, and whem i least expect it around the corner is a door, which I open to find myself in a room, I look up to see the gamemakers watching, the watch intently, the first victors kid.. how must he be? He must be great...

I go for the spears but my head hurts a little my hands sweat as i stare at the fake dummys, my heart pounds in my chest, and I feel like I cant Breath, I drop the spear and attempt to pick it up, but clumsy I fall and hit my head.

I wake up in a hospital type room, I hear my accelerated heart beat, and i look around to see my mom in the corner biting her nails, Our eyes meet and before I know it shes at my bed. And I hug her, tears in her eyes she asks me,
"What.." she pauses and takes a breath, "What Happened?" She continues,
"I.." I think "I don't know.. one minute I was fine, but when I picked Up the spea-" she stops me, "you... You chose a spear as your wepan..?" She asks a bitter sweat type moment come upon her face,
"Y-Yeah... I like it.. why?" I ask concerned, She rubs my dirty Blonde hair and chuckles for a second..
"You.." she closes her eyes and a tear falls,
"You... Just remind me of a boy I once knew." She opens her eyes hugging me..

I continue, awfully confused...
"When I picked The spear up, I felt sweaty, My heart hurt, I couldn't breath.." it was like I was dying..
She hugs me,
"You probably get that from your dad
.." we both laugh and then eat ice cream and talk about what we will do when we get back home..

After Im feeling better we go back to the tribute building to watch the scores, I get a sick feeling in my stomach, I couldnt of gotten good.. I think to myself as my mom sits in between me and Colette..

The scores come on.

District 1:
Cody Young (Male)
Oppy Shake (Female)

District 2:
Fray Dei (Male)
Gold Ice (Female)

District 3:
Dex Gay (Male)
Poppy Sergio (Female)

District 4:
Aisling Copper (Male)
Rose Tork (Female)

District 5:
Pine Hood (Male)
Daisy Likings (Female)

District 6:
Sam Froke (Male)
Tammie Gord (Female)

District 7:
Torborg Chaz (Male)
Viana Soi (Female)

District 8:
Monty Bored (Male)
Rain Gills (Girl)

Disrtict 9:
Bry Hame (Male)
Nana Galls (Girl)

District 10:
Holten Hax (Male)
Makaia Jung (Female)

District 11: (US)
Colten Watkins (Male)
Colette Rucci (Female)

District 12:
Ash Dox (Male)
Apple Monk (Female)


They all cheered for Colette, and patted me on the back for effort.
I got the worst score in the games!
The first victors son.. A lame worthless peice of crap..

I basically cry myself to sleep that night, why try im just going to die anyways...

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