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I wake up and Its day, I rub my eyes and then sit up remembering last night..
I see Rose sitting there tired.
"Hey, get some sleep" I say to the barely conscious Rose who sits on a log. I help her lay down and she is already sleeping.
I glance at her bag. Should I? Is it right? I just want to take a look...

I walk over to the backpack and look threw it, I find, a rope, a bag of dried fruit, 2 water bottles and some knives.
But what I fin deep in it makes the curiosity set in. Its a small Pendant type locket thing, I open it to see a picture of a little girl, like.. 2-4 years old she is smiling. And holding a picture that says "I love you mommy!" In a fingerpaint type of red.
I slowly close it and put it back into her backpack, then slowly zip it up. I hear rose stir, but not get up...
I wander..

While rose is sleeping I go threw the jungle around where our camp is, and find a downed tree branch,
Maybe.. Maybe I Could Use it for a spear?? Suddeny I hear a young girls screaming. Painfull, horible screaming,
"STOP! PLEASE STOP IT!!!" The almost inaudible words could be heard, then slowly silenced to slight whimpers, before I hear a loud cannon, and I see The hovercraft flying to my left.

I hear Rose yelling me name so I quickly make my way back. Once she sees me relief sets in,
"I thought that cannon was yours!"
Why did you run off!" Her voice almost sounds motherly.
Sheepishly I rub my neck,
"Do you know whos cannon it was"
I could tell a frown setting in, as I bite my tounge and sorta nod,
Rose looks confusee untill I talk..
"I- I heard painfully screaming.." I mumble, "Like a little kids, dragged out screaming.." her eyes soften, like it hits her hard.

We dont talk for a while, Rose gave me a knife, I started carving my Spear, So for the next few hours we ate brekfast, and she went hunting, while I carved my spear, neither of us talking a word, except for a quick "Im going now," or a "Im back."

Soon though we go looking for our allies,
"Who are yours again?" Rose asks looking straight Ahead.
"Bry, and my District partner Collete"
She nods
"Well my dis-" she stops shaking her head, remembering his death..
"Im Allied with, Rain, and Nana"
She says "I-I- there still Alive.."
I go to ask why but Rain Interrupts,
"Nana is 12, and Rain is 13.." she blinks tears,
"What if those screams were.."
Just then we hear another Cannon, no screaming this time, maybe to far away.

Were nearing the edge of the jungle and we can see the Cornucopia, We get to the tree line. We hide and look out to see 2 girls and 2 guys, there fighting over rationalizing the suplys, which lie behind them in a giant pile.

We see mines lay around in a circle.
"I Have an Idea" I whisper
Rose looks at me,
"We go And get some supplies, without then looking," she stops me
"Are you crazy!"

"Yes." I reply and she rolls her eyes

"Carefully, if you didnt hear me the first time.." I roll my eyes, because she rolled her eyes.
"We get the suplys, and pick up a stone or something, we run behind them (Father away) and Throw the stone at the mines, Hence Blowing it up"

"Okay!" She says staring straight ahead,
"Thats it?" I say in shock
"Your not going to say something like 'You tryna get us killer bozo!' Or something!?" She shrugs,
"Im hungry, and thristy, and we ate, and drank everything..." She mumbles.

We sneak up behind them as they argue, I grab a bag and so does Rose, next to one of thw bags is a rock the size of my fist. I pick it us as we sneak back to the Jungle, I Close my eyes and Chuck it to the plates.

It misses.

Everyone stops arguing, and looks at us,
"Run." I mumble to rose
We then take off into the jungle as the kids enter it.
I hear them laughing,
"Keep-" Im loosing breath "Talking to me.." Breath Collin "So I know your there" I say to rose..
"O-Okay.." she mumbles out of breath
"So- Isnt thi- fun" she trys to talk as we jump over logs,
"Totally" I mumble doging a branch
I hear her laugh
"Once were out of he-" her voice stops and I hear growing laughter, I stop and turn around to see Rose, slumped over some guys shoulder, barely consious she whispers,
"Go." Before she shuts her eyes.
They didnt exit the jungle completely setting up a more secluded camp nearby.

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