Part 1: My Beginning

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I was new at school. My name is Bella by the way and I was new at school. This one guy caught my eye and he kind of looked like Cedrick Diggery or maybe Batman although I'm not sure yet, I'll have to wait to see the newest movie. He looked like he would wank on camera a lot. This isn't related but the first day of school was also the day I stopped having my period. Anyway I was going to class when I suddenly needed to wee so I went to the toilet and as I opened a stall I saw this figure hunching over the bin where you put your used pads but I couldn't even see his face because he ran away really fast.

I sat down to use the toilet. I didn't have enough time to go that morning so I was absolutely bursting. I held it in for an extra second just to tease myself, then I let it all go. It started slow, but go faster and faster until it was as fast as a tsunami; if I was using my penis, I could have gotten the shit stains off of the back of the toilet. The constant decompression of my bladder felt almost orgasmic, and it was incredible to be able to push harder and for more wee to keep coming and coming. I felt like I could single handedly solve the water crisis in Africa. Suddenly, I felt pressure from behind me. I needed to poo. I tried to finish my wee before I started to push but she didn't want to wait, she was ready to be born now. I clenched still just to try and keep the turtle head from poking until I was ready but there was no use. It squeezed out of me like a strand of spaghetti, spiralling into the toilet bowl; a work of art. I sat for a minute, just staring through my legs and admiring what had done. I then noticed there was a flake of dried blood in my pubes. This was odd, however, because my period had already ended. I shrugged and picked it off, flinging it over the stall door and hearing it bounce off the mirror. As I returned my gaze to my noodle poo, or my poodle if you will, I noticed my leg hair. I had been growing it out for some time and it was finally starting to show. The ultimate goal back then was to have braids down my legs with extension pieces added in so that my legs were chic and stylish. However before I even had time to look at my pubes again I felt the pressure building up behind me again. I whipped out my phone and stood up, holding it behind myself with the camera app open. You could see my face, which was now upside down, between my legs and my ass cheeks almost like curtains above it. I pressed the record button and let one rip. It. Was. Huge. It was so big I didn't think it was going to stop and just when I thought it was over I realised I had sprayed poo all over my phone, the toilet and at least two walls of my stall, and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I realised that I never actually stopped pissing and when I stood up I just carried on pissing all down my legs and onto my knickers and trousers. Oops! I thought, not my problem! So I finished weeing and washed my hands and my phone.

Anyway, after this I had biology and that handsome looking guy caught my eye again. I was so excited I farted and let a bit of poo out and now my pants were covered in wee and had a noticeably large chunk of poo in them. Then I realised the only seat left was the one next to him. Before I even sat down, he was covering his nose and when I finally did park my backside on the seat next to him, he started gagging. What have I done to make him hate me so much? I thought. Only ten minutes into the lesson, he started throwing up. It was so embarrassing. I can't believe I'm sat next to this kid who's throwing up, my social status is going to take a real hit from this, no matter how good looking he might be. And when he passed out in a pile of his vomit was the real straw. This is so mortifying for him and therefore me. Eventually, after like half an hour of him being there, my teacher noticed him passed out and called an ambulance and he was taken away. His face was covered in his vomit and he had been lying in it for so long that it had started to harden and the vomit on the table was cooked in the sun from the window so his face was attached to it in this big awkward splotch shape. He looked so gross, but I swear I saw him sparkling which made him go from gross to sexy very quickly. He's going to be so embarrassed when he comes back to school. Anyways I went home and changed my pants and then went to bed.

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