Chapter Twenty Seven

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The next day, I woke up to the crescent shaped birthmark I adored. There were a few extra freckles on her shoulder, so now the moon had collected a few stars. I smiled to myself as I traced my finger along her skin. She burrowed herself further into me and under the covers. I turned her so she was facing me but her eyes were still closed though a soft smile was on her lips.

"Mmm," I heard her say, "I don't wanna get up."

"Me neither. Wish I could stay right here all day."

"Me too." She wrapped an arm around me as she snuggled closer. She kissed my skin while tracing her finger along my arm. "We should get up, though. I have to leave soon so I want to make the most of this little bit of time."

My smile faded. She had just gotten here and now she was telling me she had to go. I knew in the back of my mind that she wasn't staying, school had started and she needed to get back, but that doesn't mean it didn't suck to have her for only one night after going months without her.

"Well, then, we best get started," I smirked at her as I raised the covers and brought them over us while kissing her. 

When we met my mum, she had a bit of a questionable expression on her face. "Siobhan, why didn't you call me to say you were staying with Niall? You had me worried."

She gave my mum a hug and said, "I'm sorry. I guess I just got caught up seeing him and meeting these new boys."

"It's okay but next time don't do that. I promised your father we'd take care of you."

"I know. I hope you didn't worry too much." She bit her nail, upset that she had upset my mother. She always thought of my mum as hers, since she had lost her mother so young.

"I knew who you were with, so I didn't have to worry too much. But a phone call would've been nice, young lady. And you," she said, turning to me, "I wish I could spend more time with you but I need to get home for a bit. I'll see you next weekend." She gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek before she grabbed her bags to put into the car that had come to take them to the airport.

"Break a leg, Nialler," Siobhan said to me, giving me a hug. I didn't want to let her go.

"Will you come next week?" I asked, hopeful.

"Probably not, but I'll try to come again soon. Promise." She winked at me before giving me a kiss. It felt odd kissing a girl in front of my mum but kind of nice to not have to hide it anymore.

I gave them both one big group hug and then I suddenly felt more arms around us all. The guys had come to say goodbye, too.

"Bye, Siobhan! It was nice to meet you. Wish Niall here had told us about you," Liam said, giving her an individual hug.

"Yeah, that does disappoint me a little," she giggled, shooting me a sarcastic glance.

Zayn gave her a quick hug. Louis squeezed her so tight, she turned red.

"Louis, she can't breathe!" I said.

"Ah, sorry, mate. It was good to meet ya, m'lady." He pretended to bow and gave her hand a kiss. She laughed at that.

Harry then gave her a nice hug, "Happy to have met you. Hope to see you again soon." He gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

All of the boys then gave my mother a group hug with Louis shouting, "We got ya, mate! She can't see ya kiss her now!"

I didn't get the hint but Siobhan did. She gave me a long, hard kiss, squeezed my bum and pulled me in super close. When we parted, Louis was watching us intently. But then he announced, "Okay! They're done, we can let go!" And they all let go of my mother.

I said goodbye to my mum one last time before she got into the car. I gave Siobhan one last hug before she did the same. This time I watched as she drove off, now knowing how it must've felt for her all those months ago.

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