well lookie here!
a post that doesn't suck!
okay in all seriousness I'm pretty sure you already heard of Team Trees, the numerous videos talking about it, and their efforts to plant 20 million trees by 2020
like seriously, for every dollar, you are literally putting a new air filtering, soil holding, stress relieving... okay I think you get it
the point is you should seriously(take a shot for every time I say 'serious/ly/ness'!) help these guys out, cuz really, I want to get down on my hands and knees and start planting trees(that rhyme was unintentional...) but sadly tree planting space in lands we own are little and my skin is sensitive to basically anything that has to do with dust and dirt...
okay like I said before, trees to alot to our environment in more ways than one, from the obvious like reducing the amounts of CO2 in our polluted atmosphere to even cooling down neighborhoods by up to 11 degrees F, I mean like, I live in a house surrounded by trees and its already hot enough, imagine if those mango and palm trees outside didn't exist
and my god once you think about it 20 million is a huge number, that is more than the population of most of the countries on Earth(google it)
ya know what I'm even gonna be generous and put the link here so you don't have to go to another tab to see the site https://teamtrees.org/
I have no idea if that worked, if it didn't, then don't be lazy and go there yourself :D
so yeah, donate a dollar or two, you'll walk out of that site knowing you just made the world a better place!.... sort of... if not then don't keep that mouth shut, you introvert. jk but seriously tell your friends and family, cuz I know I'll be bothering my mom till she coughs up at least 1 dollar to donate(I swear I am not sponsored or anything!(see, I'm a good person))
my god do I sound like a Youtuber or what?
Talks, Opinions, and stuff
Randomjust me talking about stuff, giving my opinions and rants and maybe a few storytimes and serious topics I don't really know most of these will probably be fandom related