Take a deep breath and listen to the music

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Jody's POV:

Currently I was stood in the office as Mike and Mai- Li were giving me another telling off Mike looked at me and said 'I don't know what's going on with you Jody, but your behaviour has been completely unacceptable', Mai- Li sat down beside Jody and said 'Jody we want to help you but we can't unless you tell us what's wrong'. I finally snapped and said 'I can't do this anymore, just all of you leave me alone' I got up and ran out of the office and out of the front door as I ran down the road I heard Tyler's voice calling for me to come back. 

I kept running all the way through town until I found myself outside a place called Dance-works studio I looked at the poster on the window and it said 'Dance Auditions for replacement female dancer', I'd always heard that dance was good for helping with emotions so I walked in. It was nice and warm inside a kind looking woman was sat behind a desk she looked up and said 'Hello dear are you here for the dance auditions', I gave a small nod and said 'Yes my names Jody Jackson' the woman smiled and said 'Welcome to Dance-works Jody, follow me I'll show you where the auditions are taking place'. 

Tyler's POV:

I'd literally looked everywhere for Jody but I couldn't find her anywhere, I walked in through the front door and immediately burst into tears Mike walked out of the office and said 'Did you find her Tyler'. I looked up and shook my head as tears still fell from my eyes I took a deep breath and said 'What if she never comes back Mike', Mike pulled me into a hug and said 'If she's not back before it get's dark we'll go out and look for her again, why don't you go and rest' I nodded and walked upstairs to my room and curled up on my right side looking at a framed picture of myself and Jody at the circus.

I reached out and traced a finger over Jody's face and said 'wherever you are please come back'. 

Jody's POV:

Looking around at all these other girls auditioning made me feel incredibly nervous they all looked so much better than me, I was warming up at the Ballet Barre when a boy with an Afro came over to me and said 'Really engage your core muscles'. I did what he said and I felt an instant improvement I turned around and said 'Thank you for the help' the boy smiled and said 'Your welcome I noticed you looked a little nervous, just take a deep breath and listen to the music'. 

Soon the dance auditions got underway I was lost watching the others dance that it didn't register when one of the people running the auditions said that I was up next a girl beside me gave me a slight nudge and I nervously walked into the centre of the room and as the music started I started to dance with all my heart and soul.

As I came to the end of my routine I stopped and saw everyone looking at me my breathing got quicker and I realised that I wanted to be with the one person who was always there for me, I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the studio and all the way back to Ashdene ridge. By the time I got back to Ashdene ridge I was soaking wet I knocked on the door, I looked up as the door opened Tyler pulled me into a big hug and said 'Jody where have you been, I've been so worried' I buried my head into Tyler's left shoulder and said 'I'm sorry Tyler I'm so sorry for making you worry. Please forgive me'. 

Tyler gently rubbed my back and said 'Shush calm down everything's alright, and of course I forgive you Jody. Come on let's get you warmed up your freezing'.

After having a nice hot bubble bath I got into my pj's and dressing gown and climbed into my bed, as I drifted off to sleep I heard Tyler talking to Mike down the corridor I smiled as Tyler said 'Can I sleep in with her tonight Mike please'. I heard Mike say 'Just this once ok, I'll need to talk to her in the morning', I felt my heart warm up as Tyler slid into bed with me and wrapped his left arm around my front keeping me safe and warm like he always has done in the past.

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