We'll always be friends Pel

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Jody's POV:

I'd been out of Hospital and back at the studio now for two weeks and we were all working hard and having one last full rehearsal of the Genesis tour to make sure it was fresh in my mind, the whole way through the rehearsal I found I couldn't stop thinking about Perri and the moment when he said that he loved me. Whilst I was having lunch Sam came over and sat beside me he put his phone down on the bench and said 'Are you ok Jody, you seem very far away today', I turned to look at Sam and said 'Me and Tyler had an argument when I was in hospital, Perri came in and stood up for me and told me that he loved me. I feel stuck and I don't know what to do'. 

I felt Sam pull me gently into a hug and say 'Hey come on don't cry, I know that Tyler loves you but I can also see how much Perri loves you. Every-time he see's you It's like his heart is going to burst from his chest', I sat up when I heard Perri come into the studio I looked at Sam and said 'I know what I have to do, I just wish I didn't have to do it', I walked over to where Pel was sitting talking to Ashley I cleared my throat and said 'Pel could I talk to you in private' Perri nodded and followed me outside. 

I took a big deep breath and took hold of Perri's hands before saying 'Perri there is no easy way for me to say this' before I could finish Perri kissed me on the forehead and said 'It's alright I know what your going to say, you love Tyler and I'm really happy for you. Just promise me we'll always stay friends'. I hugged Perri tightly and said 'Of course we'll always be friends Pel, I need to go and finish Packing will you tell Ash where I've gone' Perri nodded and said 'Yeah course, i'll text you later and let you know what time we're all meeting tomorrow' I nodded and ran to catch the bus back to Ashdene Ridge. 

Perri's POV:

I went back into the studio and grabbed my phone from the bench and said 'Ash Jody's gone back to Ashdene ridge to finish packing', Ashley nodded and said 'Yeah that's fine, are you ok Pel', I smiled and said 'Jody's told me she'd rather be with Tyler, but it's alright I'm ok'. I went out of studio 1 and into the smaller studio and sat in front of the mirrors thinking about the relationship I could have had with Jody. 

Jody's POV:

I arrived back at Ashdene ridge to finish packing Mai Li came out of the office and said 'Hey Jody I've put your clean clothes on your chair in your room' I smiled and said 'Thank you Mai Li, have you seen Tyler', Mai Li nodded and said 'He was out in the garden with Sasha'. I smiled and walked out into the garden I walked round the corner towards the gazebo and stopped when I saw Tyler kissing that skinny blonde haired bimbo from the radio station where he was doing work experience, I stormed over and said 'Tyler how could you do this to me, I love you and I thought you loved me'. 

Tyler stood up and said 'Yeah well how do I know you haven't been seeing Perri behind my back' I banged my fist down on the table and said 'Apart from dancing with him everyday and grabbing lunch with him whilst at the studio, I hardly spend time with Perri because I have always loved you. Until that day in the hospital I didn't know that Perri had feelings for me I swear', Tyler shook his head and replied 'You could be lying it's not like you've lied to me before'. 

I quickly stepped away and said 'Do you know what Tyler I can't do this anymore, I hope you two are really happy together', I ran back into the house and upstairs I pulled out my phone and rang Perri. 

(P= Perri and J= Jody)

P: Hey Jody I was just about to text you, we need to meet at the studio tomorrow at 6:30

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