You know some people they hold on

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Jody's POV:

The whole way to the hospital I was sat in the car biting my nails Perri took my right hand and said 'Take a deep breath everything's going to be ok' I kept hold of his hand and kissed it gently before saying 'I'm so lucky to have you, I know I'd fall apart without you Pel'. Once we arrived at the hospital we made our way up to the intensive care ward, I walked up to the desk a Nurse looked up and said 'Can I help you Miss' I smiled and said 'I'm looking for my mum Denise Jackson' the Nurse looked at the computer and said 'Ah yes if you'd like to follow me I'll show you where her room is', as we approached my mums room I grabbed Perri's left hand and held it tight. 

The nurse smiled and said 'This is is your mums room, if you need anything then please let us know', I gave a small nod and smiled at the nurse as she went back to work I knocked on the door and myself and Perri walked in Luke stood up and gave me a hug I stood there looking at mum unable to move or speak, Luke grabbed his phone and said 'I'm going to go and get a drink from the cafe, why don't you sit with her Jody. Try talking to her she is awake'. 

I sat down beside mums bed and gently took hold of her right hand I looked at Perri and said 'You should ring Ash and tell him we might not be at rehearsals tomorrow morning', Perri nodded and said 'Yeah good idea, I'll go and ring him. Do you want a bar of chocolate'. I nodded and said 'Yeah please, I'll have a Twirl' Perri spun round and said 'There we go there's your twirl', I smiled and gave a slight laugh at Perri's amazing sense of humour, as Perri left the room I leaned in towards Mum and said 'Mum can you hear me'. I took a deep breath as she opened her eyes and looked at me and said 'Is Kingsley here yet' I swallowed hard and said 'He's not coming  Mum he's in prison do you remember'.

Her eyes were filled with such hate as she said 'Of course I remember you stupid girl I haven't lost my mind. Anyway we all know who's fault it is for getting him sent to prison', I took a deep breath and said 'It was his own fault mum'. With a shaky breath mum looked at me again and said 'No it was your fault Jody, and you know what I hate you your spoilt and selfish. You ruined my life', I fell asleep after mum shouted at me I woke up when the nurse came in to check on mum she smiled at me and said 'Your boyfriend and your brother are in the relatives room down the hall talking, I think they saw you sleeping and didn't want to disturb you. You must be very tired'. 

I took a big yawn and had a sip of water as the Nurse sat down beside me and said 'You know some people they hold on, they don't want to let go even when they really need to', I looked at the nurse and said 'Why' the nurse looked over at mum and t...

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I took a big yawn and had a sip of water as the Nurse sat down beside me and said 'You know some people they hold on, they don't want to let go even when they really need to', I looked at the nurse and said 'Why' the nurse looked over at mum and then back to me as she said 'They don't want to leave their loved ones alone'. I squeezed mum's hand one last time and said 'I'll be alright mum I promise' as I said those last words to my mum the machine flat-lined and went into a loud long beep, the nurse looked at me and said 'I'm sorry for your loss Miss' I walked down the corridor to the relatives room. 

Perri's POV:

I looked up from my phone when I heard the door open and I saw Jody walking in with one of the nurses, I stood up and said 'How is she' Jody looked at me and said 'Mum's gone'. I gently pulled Jody into a warm hug and held her close to my chest as she cried, around Midnight myself and Jody went back to our apartment once we got back to our apartment Jody broke down in tears, I knelt down in front of her and pulled her into a nice warm hug and gently rubbed her back soothingly. 

I walked out of the kitchen carrying two mugs of hot chocolate I sat down next to Jody on the sofa, and said 'I know everything must seem like a blur at the moment', Jody leaned into me and said 'The last words my mum said to me were horrible, did she really hate me that much'. I kissed Jody on the forehead and said 'I'm sure deep down she really did love you, and I promise you I'm going to support you through this' Jody kissed me on the lips and said 'What did I do to deserve you Pel, your so amazing' I smiled and said 'You'll always have me Jody'. 

Jody took a sip of her hot chocolate and said 'Pel this is gorgeous what flavour is it' I went into the kitchen and looked at the tub and said 'It's Terry's chocolate orange flavour, you look exhausted shall we go to bed', Jody nodded and said 'Yeah that sounds like a good idea'. The next morning I woke up to an empty space beside me I jumped out of bed and looked around the apartment for Jody but she wasn't here, I ran back into my room and grabbed my phone and tried to phone Jody but it went straight through to voicemail, so I decided to phone Sam as I knew he was probably awake by now. 

Sam's POV:

I'd just gotten into my car when my phone rang I grabbed it from my bag and saw it was Pel ringing me so I tapped the loud-speaker button. 

(S = Sam and P = Perri)

S: Hey Pel is everything alright, how's Jody?

P: Yeah she's fine, actually I don't know because I don't know where she is

S: Where do you think she could have gone

P: I think she'd probably go to the studio, I'd go and find her myself but I need to take the car in for it's MOT. Would you be able to go and find her for me Sam

S: Yeah of-course I can Pel, I'm just leaving my flat now. I'll let you know how she is

P: Thank you Sam that's brilliant 

I threw my phone back into my bag and drove to the studio, once I got there I parked up and made my way inside I looked in the big studio first but nobody was there so I walked down the hall to the smaller studio. I looked through the window in the door and saw Jody dancing, I walked in and sat down on one of the benches and watched Jody dance her solo.

Once she'd finished Jody sat down on the floor in front of the mirrors, I walked over and sat down beside her and said 'Jody I'm so sorry about your mum' Jody broke down in tears and flung her arms around me I hugged her as she cried. When Jody had calmed down I made us both a cup of tea I sat down beside her and said 'I've texted Pel to let him know that you're ok'.

After a while Perri arrived he walked up the stairs into the chill-out zone I looked over at Jody and said 'Just talk to him Jody tell him how you feel', I stood up and walked back down into the studio and left Jody and Perri alone to talk. 

Jody's POV:

Perri sat down beside me I turned to him and said 'I'm so sorry that I ran off this morning, I just needed some time to think and clear my head' Perri took my hands in his and said 'I understand, just next time talk to me I'm always going to be here for you'. I looked at Perri and said 'Can I have a hug' Perri nodded and gently pulled me into his side where I rested my head on his chest, we both looked over towards the staircase as Ashley appeared at the top he smiled and said 'Sorry I didn't realise you two were up here, we're just about to start rehearsals do you feel up to joining us Jody'. 

I smiled and nodded before saying 'Yep I think I need to do something to keep my mind off my mothers death'. Once we'd finished rehearsals Ashley went into the back room and came back out with four boxes I walked over and said 'What's in the boxes Ash', Ashley smiled and said 'It's the costumes for the Ignite tour I'm going to need you all to try them on this afternoon so that we can get them altered in time if needs be'. 

After a full day of rehearsals and trying on costumes we all went home, myself and Perri made our way home Perri smiled at me and said 'What do you fancy for dinner my love' I smiled back and said 'I really fancy Pizza hut'. Perri kissed my hand and said 'That sounds good, we can cuddle up on the sofa and watch a film of your choice', once we were back at home I got changed into my pj's as did Perri I went back into the living room and put the 1st Pirates of the Caribbean on I curled up on the sofa beside Perri and we ate Pizza, watched the movie, laughed and had the perfect evening we could ever imagined. 

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