Nothing but a bully.

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'You're nothing but a bully Max, a plain old bully'

As Rachel turned to open the door and leave Max felt his anger reach boiling point. He reached forward and slammed the door just as  she'd opened it just an inch.

'You're going to regret that Rachel how dare you speak to me like that? This is MY school and you'll do as I say'

Rachel let out a startled gasp as Max screamed down her ear. For the first time in over 25 years Rachel was truly scared, Max reminded her of her father and all the times he'd corner her when he was drunk and how he'd knock her around telling her what a waste of space she was. She felt like a teenager all over again as max had her pinned to the door. Seeing the terrified look in Rachel's eyes unlocked something in Max he enjoyed the power that he possessed when he looked into her eyes and saw nothing but fear. He reached up and grabbed her by the shoulders shaking her roughly.

'I'm sick of you constantly trying to undermine me and make me look a fool Rachel'

Rachel's breathing was beginning to speed up as all the possibilities of what was going to happen ran through her mind.

'I'm not scared of you Max' she tried to gasp out but even to her own ears it sounded pathetic.

'You're pathetic Rachel and you should be ashamed of what you've let this school become. No one would even care if you weren't here anymore. In fact it would probably improve the school dramatically so why don't you do us all a favour and leave, no one wants you here.' Max pulled her by the shoulders as he finished his sentence and slammed her back into the door the back of Rachel's head slamming painfully into it. The force of the slam combined with the panic left her winded and she was trying to gasp out a response when Max slammed his fist painfully into her stomach. Rachel looked at him in shock as she doubled over trying desperately to try and regain control of her breathing.

Rachel was starting to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen and the bang to the head, she realised that no one would be coming to help her as it was only her and Max left in school and the look on Max's face told her he'd barley even started yet. He started laughing like a maniac. When he suddenly grabbed her by the arm and forcefully pushed her into the filing cabinet which collided with the top of her head making her slump to the floor dazed.

'You had to mess everything up didn't you Rachel, you couldn't leave it alone you had to go and tell Kim I was married. You had to undermine me to the staff, try and ruin my professional reputation. Well now I'm going to ruin you.'

Each sentence Max said was accompanied by a kick to her ribs and by the end Rachel was gasping for breathe she was sure he'd broken at least one of her ribs which made breathing deeply practically impossible. Max laughed whilst leering over her crumpled form.

'You're pathetic Rachel.'

He kicked her in the ribs one last time before turning to leave, he opened the door slightly before turning his head back to look at her.

'Oh and Rachel don't bother to tell anyone about our little meeting, no one will believe you anyway.'

With that he left without even so much as a glance back at Rachel.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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