December 7th: Mistletoe Madness

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Hope y'all are enjoying the story!
"Merry Christmas, everybody!" Stan shouted as he knocked on Dipper's door. Immediately he heard scampering to the door and saw the face of his great nephew. "Grunkle Stan!" Dipper shouted as he gave him a big hug. "Mabel and her friends, Wendy, and Pacifica are inside!" He lead Stan into the living room where they saw everyone Dipper had mentioned: Mabel laying down on the couch, Wendy with a Pitt Soda can leaning on the wall, Candy and Grenda talking to each other sitting on the floor in front of the couch, and Pacifica sitting close by talking to Mabel. Stan smiled to himself as Dipper pulled up two chairs and sat down next to him.

h started coughing when she tried to stand up and hug him. "Woah, take it easy, pumpkin, we don't want you getting worse than you already are," Stan said as she laid her back down on the couch. "Sorry, Waddles can hug you, though!" She held up Waddles that was sitting at the end of the couch. The pig squealed as it was suddenly put into motion by someone else. Not wanting to hurt Mabel's feelings, Stan picked up the pig and hesitantly tried his best to hug the pig. When he started squealing in his ear, he placed him where he was before and sat back down. Mabel and Dipper both laughed at their Grunkle Stan as he started to chuckle himself.

"So," Wendy started after everyone said their hellos to Stan, "how's traveling the world so far? Did you lose your mind yet?" Stan chucked before saying, "Did I really have any sanity to begin with? Anyway, it's going great! It gets kinda lonely at times, but I'm meeting new people every day! I mean, most of them I'm stealing treasure from, but hey, that's how treasure hunting goes!" Everyone chuckled as Pacifica stood up and announced, "Okay guys, I'm making Christmas cookies. Chocolate Chip or Sugar Cookies?" Mabel raised her hand and yelled, "Sugar with lots of frosting!" Pacifica nodded as she walked into the kitchen.

Stan gave Mabel a weird look. "When did Pacifica become so nice?" Mabel and Dipper chuckled slightly as he answered, "Pacifica was definitely a jerk a while ago, but she's changed tremendously since then. She's nice, sweet, and is actually one of the bests friends you will ever find." "SHE ALSO REALLY LIKES DIPPER!" Mabel shouted suddenly. Pacifica ran from the kitchen to the living room faster than the speed of light. "MABEL!" she yelled. Dipper's face immediately turned red as he tried to talk. "Wh- Pacifica? She-what?"

"Well, if you don't want the truth don't ask," Mabel said smugly as she closed her eyes, feeling accomplished. Dipper and Pacifica's faces were as red as ever as they avoided each other's eyes. Of course Mabel had been right about Pacifica, but Dipper was of course...difficult. He wasn't sure what he felt, but he never mentioned it, and of course Mabel would spill her beans as fast as possible. "Well," Pacifica said over Stan, Wendy, and Mabel's laughter, "There are cookies that need to be made so I will get on THAT..." She stood up and walked back into the kitchen. "Er- I'll join you!" Dipper replied frantically as he stood up and walked next to her.

"Oh my stars you two, get a room!" Stan yelled from the living room. "S-shut up!" Dipper yelled as he poked his head out. Their laughter grew as they saw how hard Dipper was blushing. He went back into the kitchen with Pacifica who was trying her best to forget everything that happened just now. " there anything you need right now?" he asked awkwardly. She pointed to the fridge without looking up and said, "Eggs, milk, and butter," she said. He walked over to the fridge and gathered the things she asked for. He walked by her side and placed the items down on the counter next to her.

"Just so you know, what Mabel said was..." she started, but then grew silent once more. "Hey, um, it's okay if it is true," he began, trying to comfort her, "Either way, we can still stay friends." She sighed, "Yeah, friends.." she gave Dipper a smile as she began kneading the dough with he hands. He walked over to the oven and turned it on. "Now all we have to so is wait..." he mumbled to himself as he leaned against the wall. Why is it always me? he thought to himself as he felt his face grow warmer by the second.

"Well, I guess you can't go a full day without Dipper being an awkward nerd," Grunkle Stan said as he drank a cup of eggnog Mabel had given him. Mabel laughed as she nodded in agreement. "Hey, Candy? Grenda? You guys are surprisingly quiet. Is something wrong?" she asked as she noticed the two after laughing. "Oh yes, we're perfectly fine," Candy said. "We're trying to come up with a ship name for the both of them!" Grenda interrupted, "What do you guys think: Pineswest or Pacipper?" They all thought for a second, then Wendy suggested, "How about Dipcifica?"

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda's eyes lit up immediately as they squealed so high even Waddles was annoyed. "That's perfect! Ugh, now we need to set up mistletoes all over the place!" Candy yelled. All three of them high-fived as Candy and Grenda ran into Mabel's room to get supplies.

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