death? | Chapter 6

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Fluffys P.O.V

when all the guild leaders came back all but one was alive, Bri was laying on the floor dead, I was hiding Behind David at this point trying not to look at the dead body.

A few hours earlier 

Everyone was yelling while I was laughing, they didn't know I could play cards soo will, silver and Michael were shocked cause they knew I dont have memories will everyone else were just mad.

"how are you wining all these games! you dont even have your memo-" silver cut himself off before he said it but everyone heard it.

"what were you gonna say silver?" Mtch asked.

"nothing nothing at all" I say slapping silver and muttering something to him.

"pretty sure he was about to say memories" Mtch said.

"nope dont know what your talking about welp I should get going now" I say starting to walk off but Mtch grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"can you not pull me thank you" I say as I pull my arm back.

"do you not have your memories?" Mtch asked.

"I have memories may not be from my past and who cares, I know my name and age and thats all I need to know and I also know your being very rude to me right now" I say,  Michael was shocked cause just a few minutes ago I was hiding behind him.

"Mtch stop so what if she doesnt have her memories she still is a sweet kid" Bran said.

"hahaha thanks Bran but if you dont mind I need to get back to my friends" I say as I walk away back to my guild, as I walk away I hear everyone yell at mtch and I laugh.

The rest of the night I stayed by people I knew and walked around with them, mostly David I stayed by him a lot.

after a while I started to get this weird feeling like someone I knew was hurt, I just ignored it, but when the guild leaders came back with bri laying on the floor I hid behind David as fast I could, he hold onto me as I tried my best to not cry.

soon David picked me up and carried me away, I just berried my face into his chest ( why am i doing this to myself o-o ) he carried me to a tree and sat me down, we just sat that way for a while until Kit found us and said we were going back to the guild now, we both stood up and then walked back to the boat.

when we get to the boat I had my hood on trying to hid my tears in my eyes, I hadn't know Bri for long but she was nice and I liked her, she didnt yell that much and I liked that cause everyone is just so long sometimes, when we get back to the guild I just get off the boat and walked to my room not saying a word to anyone, as soon as I get to my room and locked the door I started to cry, I toke my hood off and just stared at myself and then more memories came.

me looking at dead bodys with claws and blood over me, me looking scared after a test killed another, and so so much more.

I get out of my dress and pulled my hair out of its pony tail, I sat on my bed and started to try and make ice in my hand, after a while of me trying I heard a knock on my door just as I made ice in my hand.

"who is it!" I asked.

"its David I came to see if you were ok" he said.

"Im fine David" I say as I open the door.

"just making sure after everything that happened" he said.

"im just trying to get my mind off that so I started to try and make ice appear in my hand, and I almost did it but you knocked hehe" I say.

"oh sorry" he says.

"hehe its fine David im just tired" I say.

"ok now go to sleep we are training tomorrow" he says as he walks away.

I close the door and jump into my bed and slowly fall asleep thinking about my past I saw.

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