think before you speak

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think before you speak, its easy to do, you write what you want to say then read over it, if its mean try and find a way to make it nicer.

think before you speak, do you like it when someones being mean to you? then why are you mean to people you dont know there story to.

think before you speak, story's, everyone has one, if it be sad or happy, true or not, its a story, it may be for reading and it may be for telling but thats them to do not you.

think before you speak, just say some thing nice to someone and there probably gonna do the same, and may pass it on to.

think before you speak, fighting, thats a word that should never be said but it is, everyone day and you go on the news theres fights, why? why do we want to hurt someone who is the same as you, they may not act the same, they may not look the same, they may not think the same as you do, but why hurt someone whos so close to you, were all human why?

think before you speak, school, you read and look things up to make sure you get it right, then why dont you do that before you start a fight? you read one side of the story and take there side, what if there lying? you yell before you think, you type before you read and you fight before you know why?

think before you speak, we speak and speak about things we love and hate, but when it comes to people who dont look like you? you shut them up and call them names.

think before you speak, why do humans have to be so mean? we grow up in a world with fighting guns and blood, and when were older were told not to be mean and do as your told? what did we learn when we grow up? we learned about guns shot shot shot we learned about blood ahhhh! we learned about dying why! why her! why did it have to be her! but when we grow up were told that its bad and you shouldn't use a gun, you shouldn't make someone bleed and you shouldn't kill.

think before you speak, i grow up crying on new years eve cause no one was around for me, my sister was with friends with my other sister, my brother was in his room, and my mom and dad were sleeping, so I cryed myself to sleep, but when you grow up you learn, you shouldn't do these things.

think before you speak, we fight cause we dont think, we bleed cause of these fights, people get guns cause of these fights and people die cause of these fights.

yelling turns to hitting, hitting turns to fighting. fighting turns to getting hurt, getting hurt turns into dying, and if someone who tells you or makes these rules do these things, it becomes a war, and you have to hide to make sure you dont die.

so why? why do we not think before we speak? it may help, think before you speak and there would be no more fighting in the world.

but no, were humans so we fight and get hurt and die, so? why? if we were kind we would be so much happier but no, were mean to people who like the same gander or doesnt feel the gander they were born with, we kill people who arent the same color as us but we still say we have the rights to freedom?

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