What if we Fuck on Halloween Night...jk.....Unless?

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Third Person POV:

"Wait this bitch dies at the start of the movie? Damn it's been a minute since I've seen Saw seven." Kakashi then chuckled drawing Obito's attention. "What's so funny?"

"I just find it crazy how you're so into horror and gore, when you're literally the most cuddly, soft, and submissive person ever! You literally radiate 1000% bottom energy." Obito's cheeks tinged pink, and he angrily stuck his tongue out at Kakashi.

"Yeah well at least I don't get scared watching horror movies. Also I'm not completely a bottom. In fact, I consider myself a switch." Kakashi's face turned red with embarrassment, but then he calmly collected himself.

"Obito listen, you are a fucking bottom. You fucking enjoy it too. Especially when I'm plowing you into the sheets. So don't try to deny it." Obito squeaked and buried his face deep into his sweatshirt.

"I hate you."

"I love you too babe." Kakashi replied smugly as he pulled Obito closer.

"Ew get away from me!" Obito mumbled angrily; pushing Kakashi away in a teasing manner.

"Hehe one of your favorite parts of the movie is on." Obito immediately uncovered his face and glued his eyes to the t.v screen like an excited child watching a toy commercial. Kakashi took this opening as a chance to steal a kiss from his cute little Obi.

He pulled Obito's chin close and pressed their lips together enjoying the warmth and plushness of his boyfriend's lips. Obito really had the most perfect lips.

Obito's eyes widened with surprise but he soon melted into the kiss. He pulled away when Kakashi started to get more physical.

"Hey! We're supposed to be watching the movie together!" Kakashi whined and stared at Obito with sad puppy eyes.

"Hmph that won't work on me, because I'm the king of pouting and begging." Kakashi chuckled on agreement and gently stroked their cat Moon who was resting on his lap. He wasn't that fond of cats but Obito was a huge dork for them so of course they had to own at least one of the furry demons. Well they were little demons in the eyes of Kakashi but to Obito they were the most perfect and angelic creatures that existed.

Moon meowed loudly and stood up stretching his little furry legs. He then walked padded over and curled up on Obito's lap.

"Evil little bastard..." Kakashi muttered angrily.

"What did you just call him?"

"Umm...I. called him a cute little fluff ball! Yeah-."

"Good. That's what I thought. See if you were to call him something like "evil little bastard" then I would tear you to shreds." Obito replied smiling innocently. Moon looked up at Kakashi and appeared to be smirking smugly saying "ha ha fuck you Obito is mine".

Kakashi took a sip of his pumpkin spice tea and glanced at the t.v. He absolutely hated gore, it made him quite sick and nauseous. After a few minutes it began raining violently. Raindrops thundered on the roof causing the dogs to bark loudly.

"Can you get your dogs to the shut the fuck up please?" Kakashi glared at his boyfriend and grudgingly stood up. He sighed and walked over to the dining room where the dogs were kept. They had three; Bear, Ace, and Leo. They were kept in a large cage most of the day because they also weren't very fond of Moon.

Kakashi knelt down and gently pet his dogs calming them down. Obito was in one of those bitchy and controlling moods. Was he really that upset about the earlier comment Kakashi made about him? It was supposed to be more of a compliment but apparently he took it as an insult.

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