Tired and Caffeinated - Alexander x Reader

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Genre: Fluff

Prompt: You are a tired artist. It is 1 A.M, and you have to finish this commission. You decide to work on your piece at a diner that is open 24 hours. While there, you meet a tired writer.

Details: Modern AU. You are a freelance artist, and Alexander is an author and playwright.


You groaned as you leaned back in your chair. The drawing tablet sat propped up at your desk, the rough sketch finally finished. However, you knew it would take another three hours or so to do all the linework, coloring, and shading. This piece was especially detailed, as it was a costly commission and you hated to skip on quality. You glanced at your alarm clock. The time read 1:01 A.M.

You run a hand through your hair and sigh. You were exhausted, but had to get this commission done by tomorrow. Finally, you decided. You packed up your tablet, saving the piece, and put it in your messenger bag with your wallet, phone, and earbuds. Then, you pulled on a black sweatshirt that read "Non Stop" in gold lettering, and put a/an (f/c) beanie over your (h/l), (h/c) hair.

Making sure your apartment was locked, you walked to your car. Then, you drove to your sanctuary, your safe haven in this cold, cruel city. Denny's. You smiled an exhausted smile as you walked into the near empty diner and waved at the waitress, and took a seat at the counter. One thing was for sure; you were a regular here.

Carefully, you unloaded and set up your tablet, and asked for some coffee and toast. Once you had your sustenance, and fixed your coffee as you liked, you plugged one earbud into your ear and began to listen to your favorite playlist.

Before you knew it, you got sucked into a zone of productivity. There was something about the chaotic, quiet nature of Denny's in the wee hours of the morning. It made you feel like getting stuff done.

However, you were snapped from your zone as someone sat beside you. You glanced over at a man with long black hair, pulled back into a ponytail. His face was stubbly, and his eyes tired, like yours. He wore a black t-shirt, and you couldn't see the writing on it fully due to his mostly zipped up, deep blue hoodie. Before he could catch you staring, you went to look away.

"I'll take a black coffee, please," the man said to the waitress, pulling out his laptop.

You blushed a bit. His voice was a bit sleepy, raspy and deep. As if he had just woken up recently...It was hot. This time, he did catch you staring.

The man smiled at you, and said, "Well, I guess I must be hallucinating."

"Um...what?" You asked, confused.

He grinned, "I didn't think that angels walked the Earth."

"O-Oh gosh--!" you squeaked, blushing furiously, making the man chuckle. "T-Thank you, ah…?"

"Alexander Hamilton," he said, sticking out a hand for you to shake. "My name's Alexander Hamilton."

You smiled and shook his hand, still flustered. "My name's (Y/N) (L/N)."

"It's lovely to meet you, (Y/N)," Alexander said, pulling your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles.

You giggled a bit, and gently set down your drawing tablet pen. "Well, what brings a gentleman like yourself to this fine Denny's so late at night?"

"Heh, I woke up with an idea for a play I'm writing. I couldn't focus at my dorm, so I came here," Alex explained, before thanking the waitress and sipping his coffee.

You took a sip of your own coffee, and said, "I get that. I've been awake all night working on a commission. I'm a freelance illustrator."

"Oooh, could I take a peak?" Alex asked, eyes shining.

How could you say no to that face?

You, a bit shyly, showed him the linework you had just completed. Alexander's jaw dropped, and he started to gush over your work, speaking fast. His warm brown eyes glittered, and he seemed so much more lively as he fangirled. As you watched him, you blushed, and giggled a bit.

Alexander looked up at you, and asked, "What's that laugh for, Angel?"

"O-Oh, uh…" You spluttered, face red at the pet name. "I just...well...y-your face is cute...S-So is the rest of you! Gosh that sounds weird. Sorry."

Now Alexander laughed a little. "I'm flattered~. I think you're absolutely adorable."

"T-Thank you, Alexander," you say, smiling at him.

The next thing you knew, you had been there, chatting and working with Alexander until nearly five o'clock in the morning. You went to pay for your five cups of coffee and your toast, but Alex beat you to it. He insisted on paying for you. As you two began to part ways, Alex quickly turned and put a hand on your shoulder. You looked at him as he handed you a piece of paper, smirking. You read it as he walked to his car.

Call me <3

You smiled. Going to Denny's at 1 A.M. was the best decision you've made.


Word Count: 813

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