Chapter 4

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It had been a month and only three more tickets were found.

There was just one left and you only had a day until the tour of the factory would commence.

You decided against Willys remarks, to go outside.

There you stood on the streets, until you finally noticed a familiar body, standing at the front of the gates and breathing in the delightful smell of chocolate that wafted through the snowy streets.

You had to give him a chance.

You saw him walking in your direction and without missing a beat, you kneel down placing a 10 dollar bill in the snow, getting up and walking up in a fast pace to the closest local store which sold your husbands famous chocolate bars.

You casually walked over to the newspaper stack and picked up a newspaper, it was talking about the forged ticked.

The slight bell tinkling made you look up from the article only to see Charlie walking up to the counter, pulling his gloves off 

"One Wonka's Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow-Delight" You smiled at the fact that he could say such a long chocolate bar name.

The man smiled taking the 10 dollar note and giving him the chocolate bar

"The nerve of some people" A woman exclaims putting down the newspaper

"I know, forging a ticket? Come on" The man working at the counter exclaimed

You saw from the corner of your eye, the look of shock as Charlie unwrapped the chocolate bar with the golden ticket in it

"It's a golden ticket...." The man exclaimed silently, but the people close heard "You found Wonka's last golden ticket! In my shop too!" He said excitedly

"Listen...I'll buy it from you I'll give you 50 dollars and a new bicycle" A man clutches onto Charlies shoulder 

"Are you crazy?! I'd give him 500 dollars for that ticket. You want to sell me that ticket for 500 dollars young man?" The woman copies the mans movements

"Hey don't touch him!" You exclaim walking up to him

"Y/n?" Charlie looks up at you and you slowly kneel down to his level

"Listen go straight home, don't let anyone take that ticket from you, understand?" He nods giving you a wild smile before dashing out of the store, leaving his gloves behind.

You picked them up giving the people in the store a smile before walking out and back to the warmth of the factory.

I'll probably write another chapter tonight since I'm in a writing mood :) Stay cool people <3

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