Chapter 4

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As he got ready for school, he dressed in a black hoodie and blue trousers with rips in them.

All last night, Jungkook was practicing ways to approach you, looking at himself in the mirror, peeping different phases, trying to predict what you'd say so he could reply.

Making his way into school, he was met by his girlfriend "Hey babyyyyyy" Jihua threw her arms around him while placing a kiss on his lips.

"Hi" He grunted while putting books into his bag before she took his hands, pulling him into class.

You sat at the back, eyeing them as they came in, seeing Jungkook's bored resting face as she looked happy as ever. "I love you baby" She screamed causing the whole class to look their direction.

He sighed while putting his head down on the table.

Is he okay? He looked exhausted because of her? Was he really happy with her? He are didn't act like it. Why did you care so much? You shook away the thought after hearing the teacher walk in.

"Today you'll work in groups" The teacher scanned the class viewing everyone's bored reaction.
He began listing names, as usual he didn't read yours which allowed you to work alone.

"Is there anyone's name who I didn't call?"

You looked to see Jungkook raising his hand, the teacher looked over at you causing you to give him a stern look back.

Before the teacher could speak up, Jungkook stood up "You didn't call y/n name. Can I work with her?"

Heads shot up as Jihua stomped forward "NO!! YOU CAN NOT WORK WITH THAT WITCH" She shouted in front of Jungkook.

"Why not?" He crosses his arms "She is not a witch either"

"BECAUSE.....because..." She looked down while trying to give a creative reasoning to backup her statement

"Okay, stop it you two" The teachers eyes glared over her form as she went to sit down "Jungkook, if y/n will let you work with her then you may"

Jungkook smiled softly making his way over to you.
"Hey, May I sit here?"

You hesitantly nod while looking out the window. You two sat in silence while the voices of others interacting were heard.

From the corner of Jungkook's eyes he saw Hyunjae and Jihua sit closely, chatting away. She wrapped an arm around his as they talked about various topics.

Somehow, Jungkook didn't care too much. He felt rather relieved that his so called 'girlfriend' probably moved on meaning he wouldn't be used anymore. Their interactive flirting came to a halt when Hyunjae looked back to see Jungkook's eyes fixated on them

Jungkook rolled his eyes before turning his attention towards you, who already had your laptop out, typing away. " Y-y/n" You stopped typing as a sign for him to continue "I know we don't know each other but may I work with you?"

No....say no y/n. He's just some popular kid who wants to toy around with you and use you as a punching bag.

Although your mind told you different your instincts caused your head to slightly nod out a yes. Jungkook lips curved up before moving his chair closer to yours, seeing what you were typing.

He quietly watched as you typed away the plan, showing it to him for approval.


After class, he gave a small goodbye before heading to his next class.

"Hey Hyung" He spotted Namjoons y'all figure in  the mist of the crowd. "Oh hey look. Are you ready to talk to her today?" He smiled and nodded "i already did"

Namjoon looked at him in shock "I asked if I could work with her seeing as she didn't have a partner"

Namjoon patted him on back "Using her for good grades I see. Clever" Jungkook slapped him while looking away "Yah, I'm not. I will help....if she lets me"

"She will. Are you still going to see her at lunch" He nods as they head into class together. Before the lunch bell rings, you excuse yourself to avoid the crowd.

While waking through the hallways, your accidentally run into someone, mumbling a small 'sorry' They turn you around, grabbing your shoulders, pushing you into the lockers causing your head to hit a lock. "Sorry?? YOU BETTER BE SORRY"

You roll your eyes secretly after hearing Jihua's high pitched voice scream. Before you could speak, a stinging feeling on your cheek started to burn, only to realise she slapped you.

You looked her in the face, this time with no tears. After being so use to getting messed with by her, your body took a sense of adaptations to the feeling of her slaps and kicks "WHY DID YOU TAKE JUNGKOOK AWAY FROM ME???"

Glaring at her "I didn't.....he came to me. Ask him"

Shoving you on the floor, your books fall out of your hands "BITCH, TELL ME WHY?" You tried to stand up only to be pushed down again "I said I don't know"

She looked around at the sight of all the books before eyeing your golden diary. The silk binding called out royalty to her eyes as she picked it up and slipped it in her bag. "I DONT KNOW MY ASS. STAY THE FUCK FROM HIM" Your eyes opened as your felt the thin air around you, before you she ran off.

You quickly headed to the restroom, applying some make up to cover your blemishes. Gathered your things, heading the roof top.

As you walked closer to the bench, you noticed someone sitting with their hands in their pockets, eyeing their feet. You noticed the hoodie belonged to Jungkook from when he sat next to him earlier

He's probably waiting for his girlfriend. You thought making your way to the further bench as quickly as possibly. Searching through your bag to find your diary, you frantically look around, only to find nothing.

Your heart started beating faster as your adrenaline rushed through your body thinking of when you last had it. Your muscle tensed up, reminding you of your incident with Jihua. No....she couldn't have took it You tried to convince yourself as you thought through again only to have them be interrupted.

"Hey, are you okay?" The voice of Jungkook. You slowly turned around to scan his profile. Cute and comfy. You gave a fake smile before nodding. "Yes, Thank you"

You sat down on the bench trying your hardest to revisit the incident. Remembering your eyes being closed for a period of time while hearing her unzip her bag.

As many times as you tried convincing yourself it wasn't her, you had a strong sense that it was as she was the only one around. You pulled your hood over your head and silently cried, you had no hopes of getting it back, worst of all, the pen was attracted meaning she could read through it all.

Tears fell down your eyes as you began to shake, completely forgetting Jungkook's presence until he rubbed your back.

You feel him move closer to you as his arms wrap around your body, pulling it into his comforting one.

Something about his hug made you feel secure, you wanted to stay there forever until you remembered, he was a popular boy. Being around you would ruin his reputation.

Staying in that position, the sound of the bell rang  causing you to jolt up. You rub your eyes as he grabs your bag, handing it to you "Thanks" You whisper as you both walk into class.

All the eyes Avert to you, including Jihua. She shoved your frame against the wall before screaming "Y/N I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM"

Everyone watched as she held you by your shirt only to be ripped away by Jungkook "Let her go Jihua." He gave you a apologetic look before escorting her back to her desk.

Every time she reached in her bag, you tried to peak, seeing if your gold diary would pop out, but it didn't.

Sitting back in your chair you waited for school to be over. As you were walking home, you felt someone follow you causing your pace to quicken before being grabbed by the wrist causing you to turn around


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