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He looked up to notice that you weren't shot. Nobody was shot. The empty space around With sirens as he saw Jihua being taken into custody.

He looked around to notice Hyunjae standing across the street, he hesitantly made his way to him "Hey, are you okay?" Hyunjae laughed as he explained what happened. With him walking by to see Jihua and you arguing, he called the police one finding it got out of hand.

Jungkook bowed time him multiple times giving him a sincere "Thank you" Hyunjae patted his back before pointing to your entry way "You might want to check on your girlfriend" he looked over to see a punch of paramedics around you before running over

One paramedic looked up at you "Are you related to her?" Jungkook nodded simultaneously "Has she overloaded in the past few days" He shook his head not knowing.

"I-is she okay?" A doctor patted his shoulder gently. "Don't scare the boy." He mentioned while laughing before giving a serious expression "She's going through shock. I suggest you stay with her as much as possible as this can lead to serious chronic stress which can go as far as depression" Jungkook slowly nodded while examining your pale body

Paramedics took blood tests and samples from you before unhooking wires, moving you to the couch carefully. Jungkook quickly thanked them before bending down next to you.

After a while of you resting from the medication they gave, you slowly awakened to your head throbbing in pain

The blurriness of different textured colours and shapes slowly faded as you stared into the blank space above you.

Jungkook watched as you rubbed your eyes while he refrained from collapsing onto your body from the overdue time that he hadn't been able to hold you.

Once coming to your senses, observing your surroundings, you looked to your side to see a figure watching down upon you causing a small smile to appear "A-are you real?" You whispered as he took your hand and kissed it "Yes..."

Letting your emotions take over your body, a off sense of sadness and guilt ran over your body as you shook your head multiple times before "Why an I still NO! This isn't right" Your body going through multiple thoughts as you cries.

The constant flow of tears ran down your cheeks as you began panicking uncontrollably. Letting your mind take over charge of your actions, you couldn't help but scream out words of hatred toward yourself

Jungkook panicked as he watched your distressed body cry not knowing what to do. It was his first time seeing you in such a manner even after all the downfalls you had with panic attacks.

You uncontrollably hyperventilated as your body grew sweaty from the outraging thoughts of you still being alive.

Trying to pin you down, Jungkook did everything he could to calm you down. Quickly trying to place a cold towel on your head to prevent overheating, he watched as you chocked out tears of pain. "Let me die" You cried while wrenching at the sharp pain felt in your chest from lack of oxygen.

He watched before having an idea, taking his warm hands, he caresses your cheeks before giving you a rather forceful kiss. You slapped his arms out of instinct before giving up. Matching his rhythmic motion, you give in on the kiss, letting your lips mould together.

Replacing your tenseness to a relaxed form as you laid weakly on the bed. You lack of breath from freaking out was replaced by lack of air from the passionate kisses causing butterflies to erupt within the pit of your stomach.

Slowly pulling away, he stared into your eyes. The sparkle within his eyes held a sense of trust and importance in them. "You're okay. I'm here and I'll always be like I promised. You're alive because fate allowed you to be, you hold an importance in this world, especially in my heart. I need you just like when we were younger. We need each other" his forehead stayed connected with yours as his warm breath was felt at every word he spoke out.

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