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I rushed out of the room, and for some reason, I felt angry...or perhaps sour... I shrugged it off and walked away. I know my face must be red like a tomato. Don't judge me, not every day you walk in on live pornography. I went to my next class sitting in the middle row when a blonde-haired girl came over to me.

''Hi I'm Selena, can I sit here?'' she asked.

I nodded slowly, scooching over to make room, and then she sat beside me.

''What's your name?'' She asked.

''Ciel'' I replied softly, not looking at her.

Her eyes widened, '' You're a Chadwick''

The professor came in and began his lecture. During the class, I felt her eyes on me.
After class ended I rushed outside before she could talk to me. On my way to the parking lot, I bumped into someone.

''Ouch, fucking Christ! watch where your fucking going '' The short girl sneered, holding her head. She then looked up at me still cursing.

''I'm sorry'' I apologized.

''Oh it's you'' she mumbled, ''Oh and you managed to say a sentence without stuttering, cute''
''Where the fuck you going like damn flash knocking me over Megatron'' she said, looking at me.

''U-um home,'' I replied.

''Let's go somewhere'' She announced, grabbing me by the arm.

"Wait what-"

''CIEL! Wait'' someone shouted.

It was the girl, Selena from class. She rushed over to us. I wanted to walk away, but somehow my feet won't move because Akira locked her arm around me.

''Who's she?'' Akira asked.

''Um. Just some girl from class, I don't know her''' I replied, for some reason, I didn't want Akira to misunderstand the girl's relations with me.

''Oh really?'' Akira replied, ''Someone moves fast, you like her?'' Akira asked.

''No'' I almost shouted. "I don't like her at all, can we go now'' I asked softly, tugging her gently.

The girl reached towards us, ''Hey I was calling you'' she said, looking at me, not sparing a glance at Akira.

''Yeah and he didn't reply for a reason, now bye'' Akira exclaimed.

''Excuse me I wasn't speaking to you, you fucking black cunt'' She sneered.

''First of all, watch your tone you need to reevaluate your life and reimburse your statement to me hoe'' Akira said, ''This is why I avoid people with low IQ In case it infects me now shoo ''as she waves her arm at the girl.

Selena stood there in shock, ''You're gonna stand there and let her talk to me like that?'' She cries.

''Yeah, he is who's gonna check me, He doesn't own me, the fuck, slavery days are over sweety'' Akira spat and pulled me with her as she walks away leaving a flabbergast Selena behind.

I stared at her as we walked towards the parking lot towards my car.
''What didn't think a black girl would be this intelligent with words'' She questioned.

''N-no'' I mumbled. God, why do I keep stuttering around her I scolded myself. ''I was just amazed at your comeback'' I replied.

''Oh that, she needed to be put in her place, bitch got me all the way fucked up'' Akira said.
I opened the car door for her as she sat inside, I closed the door as she got in and I got in the driver's side and drove off.

She put an address in the Gps and I followed it. ''Do you always do what you're told?'' she asked.

''Um..'' I bit my lower lip, ''Yeah'' I replied.

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