At the party

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So I nodded and continued to read. We got ready, I hadn't dressed up in ages so I was kind of excited. The party was loud filled with drunk people making out bumping and dancing. The party was hosted in a basement like setting only it was much bigger and had a lot of space. I'm not going to lie I did have a few drinks, I wasn't drunk but I was definitely tipsy. 

So as my view became tilted this guy comes out of nowhere and has small talk with me. It was fairly attractive he didn't seem drunk, we met and exchanged names. From what I remember he had red-dyed hair and blue eyes, he was white, about six feet and his name were Luke. We laughed and talked about topics like studying and books and that kind of thing. The talking went on for about half an hour. Then he said hey I'm going to get another drink do you want anything? I said why not, I mean I'm having fun.

So later on, he came back with drinks and the next thing I remember... We were making out in the corner of the party room. It was so quick and then he asked me, want to go back to my place.  Which I politely declined, I already know what he wants besides I needed to be on campus in the morning. Come on I promise it'll be fun! I  remember that he kept on trying to get me to go, but he gave up after I made it clear I wasn't interested in going to his place. He rolled his eyes angrily and gave me a paper with a number on it. Fine if you change your mind give me a call, he leaned close to me and whispered against my ear then he walked out. The rest of the night was completely boring and I felt dizzy.

 The next day I woke up inside my college bedroom on my bed, next to my roommate snoring on her bed as well. As I got up to shower a paper fell out of my pocket, it was the number... Which made me remember that guy but I had more important things now. I showered then and went to study, I remember reading my book when all of a  sudden I felt dizzy...

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