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stan wasn't expecting to speak even one word to patrick that day. he was going to swim with his friends, plus two, look for the bird he'd seen the day before and go home where he would inevitably shower and go to sleep early.

he could practically feel his shower already. after the quarry he routinely had a shower, where the water practically scalded his sensitive skin and he scrubbed his body harshly clean with his perfectly sculpted nails. once his right index fingernail broke off and he felt embarrassed for how upset he got. seeing one nail out of place from the rest of his flawlessly uniform nails made his skin crawl with a feeling of discomfort.

stan was shocked out of his thoughts when he heard richie ask,

"see anything, stan?" his best friend asked as he handed a vanilla cone to the victim of his loving gaze, eddie.

"nothing yet, i seen a beautiful blue tit yesterday and i'm wondering if it's still here" stanley said, clearing his throat after his voice broke. he always knew his voice would break at some point but it really wasn't very convenient when the shrill squeak burst out when he was speaking.

"'wonder if the blue tits are bigger than eddie's mom's tits!" richie exclaimed, laughing at the irritated expression on eddie's face.

"i seen a blue tit yesterday actually, it flew into the tree in my backyard," patrick said, and he and stan locked eyes. it was almost like neither of them could believe he just spoke. everyone else in the group was getting on with their own conversations. eddie and richie were play fighting- eddie had stolen richie's glasses as a punishment for the comment on his mother. mike was telling sam and bill about how to fix up a problem sam was having with their bike and beverly and ben were deep in conversation about a book they had recently read. no one was aware of the butterflies exploding in both of these boys stomachs or the blush rising in their cheeks.

stan could barely form a sentence. he was beginning to panic. he was just sitting there staring at him, his mouth slightly agape trying to say at least a syllable. instead he just breathed heavily, feeling embarrassment fill up his body.

patrick got up suddenly and he grabbed a water bottle sitting on the rock beside him and went over to stan, and handed him the bottle. the lid was already unscrewed and there was a blue plastic straw carelessly spinning around the mouth of the bottle.

stan removed the straw and took a large gulp of water, feeling the cool liquid calm the fire in his stomach. patrick had sat down beside him and had his hand splayed across stan's upper back, rubbing circles into his smooth skin. both boys felt so many emotions at the same time, and they clearly displayed this physically as bill had taken notice of the two boys.

"stan w-whu-what's wrong?" bill asked, and everyone soon was looking at them with confused expressions on their faces. stan still couldn't speak so patrick did it for him.

"he just choked so i was giving him water," he explained , and he said it so casually, stan almost believed him too. they all nodded and went back to their own conversations without any further interrogation.

both boys turned to each other and patrick gave him a small smile and he leaned forward until their soft curls were brushing against each other and their foreheads were only inches apart.

"everything okay?" he asked, his voice so low and quiet only stan heard him and he managed to nod. he suddenly felt the urge to jump back in the water, he felt like his whole body was on fire, where patrick's hand was on his back he felt like he was burning a hole in his flesh.

patrick noticed stan had gone a deep shade of red and he was rubbing his palms on his thin legs. he must be too hot he thought and he got up and started searching in his bag. he fished out a dollar and went back to stanley.

"do you want to go get ice-cream?" patrick asked softly, gently nudged the boy with his elbow. stan looked up and the boys realised how close they were. their foreheads were almost touching and they could feel each-others breath against their faces.

"okay," stan breathed out, opening the front pocket of his satchel and retrieving the nearly folded dollar his dad had given him that morning.

patrick grabbed his pile of clothes and stan picked up every piece of clothing from his folded pile with care.

both boys hearts were beating out of their chest, their faces red and hands shaking. they could barely button up their shirts or tie their shoes.

patrick couldn't tear his eyes away from stanley. his cheeks were pink, his hair was messy (which he would soon fix) and the sun shone down on him, outlining his soft brown hair in gold light. he's so angelic patrick thought. he often wondered if he was even real, he really couldn't believe someone could be as pretty as him.

this was gonna go on longer but i could not b arsed 🤗😀

stanley uris  (male!oc /self insert)Where stories live. Discover now