"where is your house?" stanley found himself asking. he had dramatically burst out this question after a minute or two of silence as the two boys walked their bikes through the tall grass and rode them on the pathway that led through the barrens."i'm sorry?" patrick responded, his eyebrow raised, an endearing grin on his face. stanley flushed and gave his head a small shake, his soft curls bouncing around his ears. "uh.. whereabouts is your house? you said the bird flew into the tree in your backyard" he said hastily. patrick went on to tell him he where he lived, and despite how average and normal the conversation was, stan found himself unable to stop listening. his heart was pounding out of his chest and his small hands which were gripping the handles of his bike were sweating.
they got to the ice cream van within a few minutes. in these few minutes they got to know each other. patrick found out stanley loved birds and stanley found out patrick loved art. they both talked about these interests with passion and listened to eachother fondly, almost completely unaware of the world around them.
as they waited in front of the ice cream truck for their ice creams (stan had gotten plain vanilla and patrick had gotten strawberry) patrick nudged stan gently and said, " i like your shirt." he was wearing a baby blue button up with small birds on it, patrick hadn't seen anything cuter in his life. stan smiled, his dimple denting his cheeks. "thank you!" he beamed and they were handed their ice creams. they both thanked the man and collected their bikes from the side of the road were patrick's was haphazardly thrown on the concrete whereas stan's was propped up by his bike stand.
both boys licked at their cones eagerly and they relished the sweet taste. patrick had asked stan if he wanted to try his but the more he thought about sharing germs with someone else the more he wanted to scrape his skin clean. he politely declined and both boys started a conversation about their plans for the summer.
"my family was thinking of getting a dog!" stanley gushed, "my mom wanted a cat but i'm scared it'll kill birds,"
stan had seen a dead bird before. he was ten and he found it in his backyard. it was during the winter so the ground was covered in a blanket of pure white snow. from his back door he could see a small patch of red. the snow was perfectly flat, no footprints, and much to his dismay, his curiosity got the best of him and he and his galosh clad feet plodded over the smooth and unbothered ground and he went to investigate this peculiar patch of crimson.
as soon as he'd seen the robin, he let out a petrified scream and ran back inside to his mother. he didn't stop crying until he went to bed that night.
stanley told him this story and patrick let out a small laugh "aw, poor little stanley," he cooed mockingly, laughing even more as the other boy let out a stagy exasperated sigh.
stan pointed to patrick's nose, where there was a small cut on the bridge. "what happened?" he asked. he knew it was henry bowers. he had heard the defeated whimpers from behind the school the week before and he watched from afar as patrick weakly shuffled away, his nose a fountain of blood. "bowers got me last week, my nose wouldn't stop bleeding for ages," he answered with a shrug.
they arrived back to the quarry, only to find out eddie had pushed richie into the water and richie had pulled him in too. both boys were fully clothed and eddie was yelping and shrieking. mike had gone home and bev was nearly asleep. she lay on her towel with her sunglasses on, her fiery hair stood out from her head like a lions mane. ben sat beside her and was reading from a poetry book. sam and bill had gotten back into the water, they were talking but no one could hear what they were talking about.
"ah! the love birds are back!" richie crowed in an exaggerated british accent. stanley was quick to retort and he snapped "shut up richie!" before taking the last bite from his cone and sitting down on a rock. patrick plopped down beside him, lying down on his back, enjoying the slight burn from the hotness of the rock.
"it's so hot!" patrick complained nonetheless, and he unbuttoned his yellow shirt all the way but kept it resting on his shoulders. stanley unbuttoned his shirt too, but took it off all the way and his shorts followed. he couldn't stand being half dressed. he folded his clothes and placed them beside him.
he definitely didn't mind patrick being half dressed. the yellow of his shirt and the tan of his skin stood out from the pale complexion of his peers and he had to look away as his cheeks were going pink.
patrick stared at stanley's slim figure and wanted to lean over and brush his fingers against the bumps of his spine and feel his smooth skin under his fingers. he had to put his arm over his face as he too was going pink.
anyway im soft goodnight 👬

stanley uris (male!oc /self insert)
Fanficno more updates just changing a few things bc this fic is rlly sweet and i don't wanna delete it ! thank u to everyone who enjoyed :)