13 • Hidden Embrace

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(Luna's POV)

Today was Tuesday, so I had Itachi's class and then tutoring again later in the day. I had worn the standard attire that Sasuke had picked out for me to class. Although I must admit, I was excited to actually be able to wear the few pastel garments I owned for tutoring. It was a welcome contrast and never failed to brighten my mood.

I found myself distracted for most of class, smiling softly to myself as I doodled in my journal. I wasn't intentionally daydreaming, but my thoughts kept wandering to what would happen that night with Itachi.

Before I had time to process what was happening, students were filing out of the classroom. I blinked a few times as I snapped out of my daze, shoving my things into my bag as quickly as possible.

"I'll see you tonight Luna" Itachi smiled, briefly looking up from his papers.

I smiled, turning away from him. "Y-yeah, see you tonight..."

I had been home for a few hours with Sasuke when a knock sounded at my door. Before I had even stood up, Sasuke was at the door, ripping it open. He hissed, his lips curled back and his fangs bared.

"Honestly brother, what's your problem?" The elder Uchiha questioned, genuine concern laced in his voice.

"I don't have a fucking problem!" He spat while I was trying to mask my terror as the situation unfolded in front of me.

I wanted to diffuse the situation somehow, it was getting much too intense. So I, for some stupid reason, decided to speak up.

"Um, babe...?" I asked nervously, roughly scratching the flesh of my forearm.

Sasuke turned to me with a look that could kill and I felt myself cowering beneath his gaze. "What is it honey?" The words themselves were nice, but I could feel the venom dripping off of them.

"Um, well, uh..." I gulped, trying to figure out how to word what I wanted to say.

"Just spit it out already"

Letting out a small squeak, I nodded feverishly. "I just thought you'd be um, well...happy that Itachi is willing to take time out of his day to help me get a good grade in his class. Don't you want me to pass his class with an A...?"

I bit my lip, hoping that I had managed to at least extinguish some of the flames. After all, some is better than none. Sasuke looked furious but nodded, meeting his brothers gaze once more.

"Right. Study hard babe. I'll see you later tonight when you get home around eight." It was a command, not an option and I knew better than to disobey.

As we were leaving, I gave Sasuke a quick peck on the cheek. He grumbled before moving back to my couch and I couldn't hide the sad look on my face.

Itachi led us to his car and I found myself much more relaxed this time around. As long as I come home by eight, everything would be fine. Turning to Itachi, I smiled shyly, finally deciding to break the silence.

"I...I'm looking forward to tonight"

His gaze softened as he looked to me, flashing a smile off his own.

"I'm glad moon princess. I hope that I can continue to tutor you, it's been a pleasure"

His words caused me to blush and I turned to watch the other cars as he drove. We filled the silence with small talk until we got to his house. Once there, we chose to sit on his couch instead.

I pulled my legs up and close to my chest as we worked. Listening to Itachi talk felt so...calming. I could've listened to him talk forever and been content. I blushed as I realized I had begun daydreaming, shaking my head softly in a feeble attempt to refocus on him.

(Itachi's POV)

I could tell Luna was in a much better headspace tonight. Her anxiety still spiked a bit every now and then, but overall it was a huge contrast from our previous session. I smiled as she talked, happy that she was opening up to me again, even if it was only bit by bit.

I don't want to ruin her happiness, but tonight may be a good night to ask about what's going on, and when and how her and Sasuke started dating. My eyebrows scrunched together as I thought of my little brother and I frowned slightly.

She wasn't telling me everything and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt me. I wish she trusted me enough to confide in me, but I don't want to overstep her boundaries. The last thing I needed was her to clam up again. The whole situation was very delicate, but I didn't mind. I had the patience to wait for her to be ready to go into more details.

After an hour or so of studying, I paused, getting up and moving to the kitchen.

"Would you like anything to drink? Maybe a snack?"

"Oh you don't have to do all that for me"

I could tell she was embarrassed and smiled softly. "I don't mind moon princess"

Her embarrassment only worsened. "J-just water is fine, thank you..."

Exiting the kitchen, I handed her the glass and watched as she took a timid sip. I waited until she had set the cup on the coffee table before addressing her.

"Let's take a small break and just talk" Smiling warmly, I sat back.

She blinked before nodding slowly, setting the rest of her things down. Her legs shifted away from her body slightly and she too got comfortable.

"Alright, what about?"

"I just wanted to catch up. So tell me, how have things been lately? Oh, and how did you and Sasuke start dating?"

I watched her retract her legs to her form, wrapping her arms tightly around them. Her breathing hitched before speeding up and I frowned.

'I have a bad feeling'

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