Chapter 2.

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"Ok be safe and Don't worry about your backpack. I'll pick you up a new one tonight after work." My mom scoffs putting the car in park in front of Faller high school. 

"Got it," I say gathering all my books and papers once again in my hand hoping to make it to my locker before dropping it again. "Just please nothing too cutesy," I ask hoping she'll understand. I'm fifteen now, It's about time that all the CareBear stuff and My Little Pony is put all behind me. 

"Ok, Ok. Just hurry up so you can make that math test." Mom sighs pushing it off as she motions for me to leave the car. I swear if this woman shows up to the gym with a Hello Kitty backpack I'm going off.

Fighting against the wind, I slowly push the car door open and slide out hearing the bell ring.

Great, I'm going to be even later.

Shoving my homework back in between my books, I rush for the door. Bending down just enough to pull open the large red door, I catch it with my foot before it shuts me out.

A sudden quick burst of warm air hits my face as soon as I'm inside instantly melting the frost that has been implanted on the inside of my body allowing me to get my thougths together. 

Wondering whether I should just fly to math class Or head to my locker and sort my things. I decide to head to my locker. By the time I make it to class, It'll be almost over and I'll be back at my locker before I know it anyway. And because of my past record of tardies, I'll be looking at detention if I encounter my math teacher. And I think there are only so many times you can use the excuse "I was stuck in the bathroom." and it work. And even though I have a real excuse this time. I highly doubt that will change her mind about detention.

 Why does math have to be so hard? 

 As soon as I make my way down to locker fourteen, another bell sounds letting me know first period is finished and that I was right. Even though the weight of the math test is off my shoulders rigth now. The anticipation that is facing my teacher grows. My goal is to try an avoid her at all costs. Now all I need to do is ease my way through the rest of the day without bringing any attention to myself. I don't need any more trouble today. All I want is to get out of here and get to the gym where I belong. My dad has some new equipment in today. And if I get out of here in time, I can try it out. 

"Hey, where were you." A familiar voice calls from behind me. "You missed the test." He sighs opening his locker next to mine.

"Don't remind me Carter." I grumble qucikly sifting through the mess that used to be in my backpack. Carter has been my partner in crime for the past three years. He and I met back in the sixth grade and ever since we bonded over pizza and the diary of a wiggly kid book series we've been inseparable ever since.

"Miss Edwards was not at all happy that you weren't there." Carter informs me as he shuts his locker. 

"On a scale of one to extreme. How angry?" I question looking at Carter even though I'm pretty sure of the answer. I watch Carter's blue eyes widen as he shakes his head gripping his teeth. "That bad." I answer for him throwing my hands up in the air. "Great."

"Yeah," Carter sighs scratching the back of his head looking down. 

"Well did she even say anything?" I question him yet again this time a little more panicked.

"No, But I'm pretty sure detention is in your near future." Carter smiles snapping his fingers pointing at me. 

"This is no time for sarcasm Carter, I'm dead," I utter grabbing my history book out of the locker before shutting it. Just then the bell rings and I begin finding myself trying to hide from my one true enemy. Miss Edwards.

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