Ask Me

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Pairing: Hiromu Takahashi/FC

Category: Suggestive

Warnings: Language; Sexual Content

Word Count: 1488

Out of everyone in New Japan you had to say that Hiromu Takahashi was by far your favorite interview. His sheer dedication to his character fascinated you. How he was in the ring carried over into his interviews with amazing alacrity. You had the pleasure of sitting down with him on three separate occasions so far, and each time you found him stealing a little bit of your heart. You had a huge crush on his free spirit.

Up until today you had only seen the naïve and childlike side of Hiromu. When he walked through the door today you could immediately tell you were being exposed to a different side of Hiromu Takahashi. He still had the same air of frenetic energy surrounding him, though it seemed more concentrated as he strolled into the rom. His eyes were hooded, face drawn tightly as he crossed the room and threw himself into the chair across the table from you.

"How are you today Hiromu?" You asked flashing him a bright smile as you pulled out your pen and paper ready to jot down notes once he started rambling.

"Tired." He said shortly, his head hanging a bit, hair dangling over his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you not sleep well last night?" You asked in an effort to get him to engage with you. Otherwise this interview was going to be a flop if he wouldn't give you more than one word answers.

"I'm tired of you." Hiromu said bluntly making you gasp in surprise. "I'm tired of your stupid boring questions. Asking me the same thing every time I see you. 'Hiromu how do you feel about your opponent? Hiromu are you going to win the match? Hiromu what does the writing on your tape mean?' It's ridiculous." Hiromu mocked you. "Is it really that difficult to come up with something original?"

You were completely unprepared for the sudden hostility Hiromu was displaying. The two of you had gotten along so well in your prior interviews. You took a few deep breaths, hoping you weren't letting him see how deeply his words had cut you.

"What do you want from me Hiromu?" You asked. "I'm just trying to do my job. I'm a wrestling journalist. I'm supposed to ask about your matches."

"Challenge me." Hiromu snapped, slamming his palms down on the table making a loud thwack echo through the room. You jumped at the aggressive move, heart pounding as you stared at Hiromu. "Ask me something no one else has."

Caught completely off guard you stared blankly across the table as your mind scrambled for something, anything to ask that would satisfy Hiromu.

"C'mon Y/N," Hiromu taunted. "I thought you were good at your job. The hot shot interviewer. Are you saying you can't come up with a single out of the box question? You aren't capable of improvising under pressure?"

"I...I don't know." You stuttered flushing as you felt yourself losing your cool. This had never happened to you before. You were always calm, cool and collected. Able to think on the fly and go with the flow. But Hiromu had you completely unbalanced with this sudden shift in personality.

Silence stretched throughout the room as Hiromu stared at you with fire burning in his eyes. He was challenging you, but you didn't know why. He didn't move a muscle, another factor that had you reeling. Hiromu was energy and movement, this stillness wasn't him. It was like a completely different person had taken over him and you were floundering trying to get your footing.

"Ask me!" Hiromu suddenly shouted breaking the silence and making you startle again.

"Ask you what!" You yelled, frustration making you lash out. "Just what the hell am I supposed to be asking you?"

"Ask me how many times I've gotten my dick sucked this week?" Hiromu said with a filthy smirk.

"Excuse me?" You squeaked out shocked at what had just come out of his mouth.

"Ask me about the girls Naito and I fucked in the back of the limo last week." Hiromu said. "Or about the girl Sanada and I shared last night." You watched warily as Hiromu rose to his feet, keeping you trapped in his stare as he rounded the table until he was by your side.

"Ask me how we made her scream so loudly that our neighbors in the hotel called the police thinking we were killing her." Hiromu sat on the table top next to you, leaning down to whisper: "Ask me."

"I'm not going to ask you those kinds of questions." You said trying to sound firm as you looked into his eyes. Hiromu smiled shaking his head as he reached his hand out to stroke his fingers along your cheek. His touch felt good and you leaned into it without being consciously aware of it, your eyes drifting closed for a second as his fingers trailed over your skin.

"Ask me to let you suck my dick," Hiromu said, leaning down so his face was level with yours, his tongue darting out to lick his lips drawing your attention to them. It took you a second to comprehend his words as you tore your attention away from those full lips that you wanted to feel against your own.

"What?" You asked looking into his eyes wondering if you had heard what you thought you did.

"Ask me to let you put my cock in your mouth." He repeated. Immediately you began shaking your head no, only to find the movement stopped as Hiromu grabbed the back of your head and forced you to nod yes. "Say the words." Hiromu said sharply.

"Can I suck your dick?" You asked hesitantly flinching back as Hiromu threw his hands up in exasperation as he got to his feet and started pacing agitatedly around the table.

"That was pathetic," Hiromu spat pausing in his frenetic pacing to cross his arms and stare petulantly at you. "You're acting like you don't want my dick. I know you do. I've seen you looking at me. I saw the lust in your eyes. You want it. So ask me properly." He demanded.

You were so confused, lost as to how this interview had gone so badly off the rails. All you wanted was to ask your questions and write your story. Yet there was that part of you screaming Hiromu was right; that you had dreamed about what he was suggesting. That part that was salivating at the thought of him being in your mouth.

Hiromu watched you impatiently as you mulled over your response. He already knew what you were going to say. How he knew and you didn't befuddled him, but it was no surprise to him when you slowly nodded your head.

"Hiromu, will you please let me suck your dick?" You asked sweetly looking to him with wide hopeful eyes as you drew your bottom lip between your teeth. Of course it wasn't that easy Hiromu already shaking his head in the negative before you finished speaking.

"You've made this much more difficult that it should have been." He said with a disappointed pursing of his lips. "I should have already been in your throat by now. Which means you're going to have to work a little harder to get those pretty lips around me."

Pulling out a chair from the table Hiromu sank into it in a wide legged stance, palming the growing bulge between his legs.

"I want you to get on the floor and crawl to me. Then you're going to beg me real nice to give you the honor of having my cock between your lips." Hiromu told you. His demand was degrading, yet it excited you. Nerves had your eyes darting to the door, scared someone may walk in on what was about to happen.

"Nobody but me will ever know." Hiromu cajoled in his deep soothing voice. "Just crawl to me and I'll give you want you've wanted." Before you talked yourself out of it you pushed out of your chair and crawled around the table on your hands and knees towards Hiromu, coming to a rest at his feet and looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Please Hiromu, can I please taste you? Can I put you in my mouth and suck you?" You asked. For a few tense seconds you were afraid he was going to go back on his words and tell you no as he stared down at you with a contemplative expression before waving to his groin.

"You may. And when you're done you're going to thank me for allowing you to do so." Hiromu said with a smirk as you nodded hands already reaching for his zipper as he leaned back and let you go to work.  

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