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Featuring: Hiromu Takahashi and Evil

Word Count: 1015

Warnings: angst

 "You're special to me." And "I can't even get a "I kind of like you?'"

Every interaction I write with Evil and Hiromu, Evil is kind of a dick/asshole to Hiromu so I wanted to write something that shows Evil's softer side a bit. I have to drag Evil kicking and screaming into soft territory so this may not be the best work I've done


Following a thorough chastisement; mainly from Naito and Bushi, but even Sanada had gotten in on the reaming he had received, Evil was forced to reevaluate his interactions with Hiromu since his injury. What he saw made him ashamed of himself.

Hearing about Hiromu's injuries had been one of the most terrifying moments of his life. That night in the hospital he had cried with his brothers, held each other through the long nights while they waited for word that their little brother would be okay. Hiromu was without a doubt the heart and soul of LIJ. Without him around there was a noticeable difference in everyone's demeanor until he was well enough to make brief outings and visits with the group. Then things had shifted more towards normalcy. For everyone except Evil. The scare of losing Hiromu had shaken him to his core so much so he had put up a wall between him and Hiromu. Evil was scared, and he reacted by trying to protect himself from further hurt. He didn't do it consciously, hadn't even really been aware of how he was acting towards Hiromu until he had been called on the carpet.

Now he stood here, scared to knock on the door of one of his best friends. A friend he had hurt without realizing it. So intent on protecting himself that he had hurt one of the most important people in his life. He was nervous though he knew he didn't have to be. Hiromu would forgive him in a heartbeat, but Evil wasn't going to forgive himself. Hiromu was his oldest friend and he had turned his back on him when he was needed the most. Evil knew Hiromu's insecurities, knew how down he could get and how fragile his psyche was. His attitude the past few months had done nothing but play into Hiromu's greatest fears. If anybody else had done this to Hiromu, Evil would've beaten them to within an inch of their lives.

Swallowing his nerves Evil lifted his hand and knocked heavily on the door. He wasn't even sure if Hiromu was home. This was an unannounced visit, done spur of the moment before Evil could talk himself out of it.

"Evil-san?" Hiromu said as he pulled open the door. "What are you doing here?"

The bright smile that Hiromu greeted him with only compounded Evil's guilt.

"Can I come in?" Evil asked lowering his eyes to the ground.

"Of course, come in, come in." Hiromu said excitedly. "I didn't know you were coming. I would've gotten food or something for you. I'm sorry I don't really have anything to offer."

"You don't have to do anything for me Hiromu." Evil said following his energetic friend into the house.

With a dissenting huff Hiromu clearly disagreed with Evil's proclamation, leading him into the living room where the two sat down on the couch. Silence stretched as Hiromu waited expectantly for Evil to explain his unannounced visit.

Evil stared at his hands, fingers intertwining with each other as he tried to put his thoughts into words.

"Evil?" Hiromu asked softly when minutes passed with no movement from the big man. He reached out, gently placing his hand on Evil's forearm. "What can I help you with? What's wrong?"

That was Evil's breaking point, his head dropping down and tears pricking his eyes. Not 24 hours ago Evil was being an asshole to Hiromu and the kid was trying to make him feel better. Bringing his hand to his eyes he covered them, rubbing the heel of his palm into his eyelids as he exhaled a shaky breath.

"Evil. You know you're special to me." Hiromu said. "I want to be here for you. I love you. Whatever you are going through I'll be right by your side."

Evil swallowed back the lump in his throat once again trying to force words out letting silence stretch into uncomfortable territory yet again.

"I can't even get a "I kind of like you?'" Hiromu said trying to inject humor into his words, but Evil could hear the hurt, the insecurity lacing the words. Yet again because of him.

Without warning Evil turned to Hiromu and threw his arms around the smaller man, crushing him to his body in a hug that was all encompassing yet gentle, Evil being mindful of Hiromu 's injuries.

"I'm sorry Hiromu." Evil mumbled into the crook of Hiromu's neck. "I'm sorry I'm an asshole and I'm sorry I've been closed off and such a dick to you since you got hurt. You don't deserve the way I've acted."

Hiromu wrapped his arms around Evil's broad frame, his hand stroking Evil's hair as he digested his words. He thought back over the past couple of months and his time spent with Evil and how hurt he had been after a few of their interactions. He had been worried Evil was mad at him for getting hurt, but now as he saw the vulnerability in Evil he saw it for what it was.

"It's okay Evil." Hiromu said quietly. "I forgive you. I know you were just trying to protect yourself."

"You shouldn't forgive me Hiro." Evil said emphatically. "I'm supposed to protect you. Take care of you. Yet I'm the one treating you like shit."

"Well, lucky for me it's not up to you if I forgive you." Hiromu said saucily. "I love you. You're my brother. And I forgive you."

"I love you too Hiro." Evil said pulling back from Hiromu's neck. "I'm sorry I'm a shitty brother, but I'm going to try to do better."

"I know you didn't mean to hurt me on purpose Evil." Hiromu said. "We'll make it through this as long as we stick together."  

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