Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?

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**2years later**

Sakaria's P.O.V

Today I get to start Hogwarts, Dad said that I'd sit in the teacher's compartment as usual with him. So when we get on the train we head to the teacher's compartment immediately. Minnie is there and I immediately hug her. I end up sleeping the whole time because I didn't sleep well last night and when I wake up Dad and I's heads knock together...literally not figuratively. 

I am at the door with the other first years and I see Draco, he waves me over so I go over to him. When he starts being rude I smack him over the head. Then a boy named Lucas Flitwick who I've known for years walks over to me and whispers "Draco being annoying again?" I nod and he chuckles. We had been friends for as long as I remember but we don't talk much anymore.

**At the sorting ceremony**

Draco is in Slytherin, Lucas is in Ravenclaw and I'm hoping for Slytherin like Dad. I get nervous as I sit down on the stool. The hat is placed on my head, very cunning, and intelligent yet brave when needed, a born leader, ambitious, determined, self-reliant, resourceful, charming, distrusting, bold, adaptable, realistic I wait for the hat to decide, within seconds it says "Slytherin!" I head down to the Slytherin table and smile at Dad, he smiles back at me. After everyone is sorted Dumbledore reminds people of the rules and we start dinner.

**After dinner**

When we get to the common room, someone puts their hand on my shoulder. I go to flip them over it but I turn my head and see Dad. I relax and he smiles before saying "relax a tad ok Sakaria" I nod and he hugs me and kisses my forehead before saying "goodnight" to me. I smile and turn to see everyone but Draco and everyone from the third year up along with two or three second years. I sigh and say "what!? He's my father!" Before going to the dorm and laying down on the bed, falling asleep.

**The next morning**

I wake up over an hour earlier than everyone else so I decide to just walk to the Great Hall and just read my potions book again. Unlike the other first years, I have been making potions since I was about 4 with Dad. Hmmm, what does he want me to call him when I'm in his class? Whatever I'll ask him when it comes to that. Slowly people start filtering in, first, it's mainly the Hufflepuffs that come in after I. Dad had come in almost directly after me, we run on the same sleep schedule ok? Draco soon comes in and sits by me "hello Draco" I say while I flip a page in the book. Dad comes over and starts handing out schedules, he reaches me last and says "you're reading that again aren't you?" I nod and he chuckles lightly as I turn another page. It's a love potion, I growl at the page before skipping it. He notices this and smiles before heading up to the staff table. Quirrel seems to be interrogating Dad because I hear the conversation, seeing as I'm on the end closest to the staff table. Quirrel says "w-why w-were you t-talking to that g-girl for so long? It's w-weird.Y-you even s-smiled at h-her " Dad replies with "because she is my daughter and I love my daughter-" he turns to Minnie  and says "Minerva is it weird for me to talk to my daughter a bit longer than the other students, especially considering how nervous she's been about starting this year as a student?" Minnie replies with a simple "Severus why are you asking me you know it's not unusual for you to talk to her a bit longer than the other students?" Then Quirrel says "I-I was a-sking why he h-had talked t-to her longer than the o-others." Minnie made a face that told me she understood now. I glance over and lock eyes with her as I raise one eyebrow. She rolls her eyes at me and I smirk. She looks at my plate, which I haven't touched and glared at me, I immediately set down the book and begin to eat. She smiles once I finish. Minnie has always been one of the teachers besides Dad who loved me the most and one of the most overprotective.

"Don't pity the dead Harry, pity the living and above all else pity those who live without love."- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, and the Deathly Hallows

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