Detentions and anger

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Sakaria's P.O.V

I continued to go to Dumbledore's office during classes until today, it's been 3 days, today I wake up and feel perfect so I sit up and go into the bathroom to change, should I mention I was able to put away my wings yesterday. So when Dad wakes up I'm tying my boots. He doesn't feel me laying on his chest, which had become the norm of when I slept in his room and he looks panicked. He then sits up and sees me and looks confused. I cross my legs and tie the other boot. I say "morning Dad" and he smiles and says "so you have complete control of your body now and I can't see your veins anymore. You're better." I then say "get ready we have school today."

**Later that day during DADA**

Professor Umbridge sees me and says "where have you been for the past 3 days?" In that sickly sweet voice of hers and I reply with "unable to walk professor" she smirks and starts the class. Then she says "read chapter 4 of your books" I don't open it, having read it 5 times out of boredom. She sees this and says "detention miss Snape directly after dinner" I sigh.

**After dinner**

I told Dad I had detention and the reason why and now I'm heading there. 

Once I get there and walk in she says "you are going to write lines" I move my hand towards my bag and she says "you will be using a special quill of mine and you will not need ink for it" ok strange, I sit down at the desk and pick up the quill she then says "you will write ' I will obey like the mutt I am ' until it sinks in". I begin to write and my hand begins to sting, I pay it no mind and just continue writing until Umbridge tells me to stop. When she does I see that it is 3 A.M and she looks at my hand which now has cut into it "I will obey like the mutt I am". 

She frowns and says "ah well it seems we will have to do another detention tomorrow as well". Then I walk to Dad's room like I was told to by him to do once I finished the detention. When I get there Dad sees the emotionless expression that I've put up, I only put up this expression when I'm feeling vulnerable and he knows this. He then hears a drip as blood drops onto the floor. He says "give me your hand" I do and he grabs a small towel out of his cloak and wipes the blood away, only to show the message carved into my hand. To say he looked angry was an understatement. I'd already done my homework so he told me to go to bed. Then he left the room.

Snape's P.O.V

That pink thing carved "I will obey like the mutt I am" into my daughter's hand and I am pissed. I tell Sakaria to go to bed and leave to find that pink thing. I storm out and Minerva sees me and says "Severus why are you so angry and where are you going?" I simply growl out "I'm going to find that pink thing" Minerva looks confused and I say "check on Sakaria's hand for me please" as I walk past Minerva. She looks confused but I hear her open my door and close it as I turn the corner. I walk straight to the pink thing's office. When I see her I say "why did you carve that into my daughter's skin?" Umbridge says in her sickeningly sweet voice "well she's a mutt, she must obey" I then feel even angrier and yell "you can give her detention but don't call her a mutt! That was not her fault and she wasn't able to defend herself when it happened, hell I was forced to watch it by my old friend. Never call my daughter a mutt, she is much more than what happened to her and the fact that she turns into a wolf on the full moon!" 

Then the pink thing punches me in the jaw and slaps me. I don't react but she says sweetly "get out of my office or else" I do as she says but from that moment on I will hate her with every cell in my body. When I walk into my room Minerva sees that my jaw has started to bruise and I have a small hand-shaped bruise starting to form as well. She looked shocked and says with a wave of quiet anger "I saw what was carved into Sakaria's hand. That is an unacceptable discipline for simply not opening a book we both saw her reading five different times and between books as well." She doesn't comment about my face and knows well enough how much it angers me when people do anything like this to Sakaria.

**The next morning**

Sakaria's P.O.V

Today when Dad wakes up I noticed two bruises, one shaped like a small hand and the other like someone punched his jaw. I don't ask and just get ready for the day. When we get to the Great Hall we both sit together at the Slytherin table. Ever since last year when Voldemort came back I and Harry Potter have had sort of an unspoken friendship so now he comes over to us and sits down quickly before saying "what happened to you two?" We both reply at the same time "Umbridge" he sees my hand and looks angry and says "I'm just gonna..." He leaves and I look up at the staff table out of habit and see an angry Minnie and a smug pink toad. I sneer and so does Dad.

**After dinner**

I head to my detention with Umbridge and while I'm writing that same line she comes over to me suddenly and jabs a needle into my arm making me fall asleep almost instantly as she giggles.

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