𝗧𝗪𝗢; 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌

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As Bryce left his window, I felt a tiny pang of sadness, and a tug of something else inside. My stomach swelled as I wondered if Bryce was more than the sum of his parts after all. First, he undeniably was. Then he wasn't. But now? I just don't know.

He planted me a tree. A tree! And he knows how much sycamore trees mean to me. I guess he must care, at least somewhat. Sure, it's not hard to remember how much I loved that magnificent sycamore, and the golden sunrise you could see from atop it. But.. but it takes genuine sympathy to take the time to get one and stick it in my yard.

Now I began to regret staying inside. I wish I went out there, helped him plant it, thanked him. It was sweet. And so I decided that the tug on my heart was those dang flutters again. They flurried around inside me and I sighed, realizing I was disappointed in myself. This was the same boy who had throw away my eggs, made fun of my uncle, and caused so many of my tears! That stupid tug must have been anger after all, just a leftover remnant from everything that had happened.

Pushing down every urge I had to scream, I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep still furious with myself for letting Bryce get to me.


"Julianna, honey? Wake up, you don't want to be late for school," my mother said softly as she shook my shoulder.

I grumbled something and pulled myself out of bed, silently wishing it was the weekend. "Morning mom," I said croakily.

"Morning baby, I'll let you get ready for school. Breakfast will be done in a little while, so don't take too long," she said with a smile.

I nodded and stumbled over to my closet. Pulling out a plaid skirt and tan long sleeve top, I tried to plan out what I would say to Bryce. Should I be rude? Ask him about the tree? Maybe I won't talk to him at all!

When I walked out to the kitchen, my ears filled with the sound of Matt and Mike's latest song. Their Mystery Pisser band had a stupid name, but the music was actually pretty good. They were singing something about Skyler and Lynetta, and I'm certain it would be the star of their next recording session. Hilarious to them, certainly. Sometimes I wonder if the three of us are all what mom is most proud of, or if it's just me.

"Hey Juli, I'm going to see Uncle David on Sunday," my father began. "Do you want to join me again?"

"Sure," I replied. "Are Matt and Mike coming?"

"We can't, we've got a gig," Mike replied.

Matt nodded. "Can't miss that."

"Oh," I replied, not really understanding why they would never come to see our uncle. "Okay."

They nodded and disappeared back to their room.

"Hey, dad?" I asked meekly. "Would you say it would be unfair of me to hold a grudge? You know, with the whole Bryce situation?"

He looked over me inquisitively, his face as still as stone. "That's up to you. If you think he deserves a second chance, then give him one."

"Well, it's not like he meant to totally humiliate me," I said, not really thinking about what I meant. "I think. I don't know!"

"Well then," he began. "Talk to him. He's a good kid, people make mistakes. Just do what you think is best."


I packed my school bag as I thought over the wise advice my father had given me. He was right. I should talk to Bryce, then maybe I'll give him a second chance.

As I recalled the situation, I thought back to what I had said. Did I mean that? That it wasn't intentional, and he meant well? What did I want?

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