𝗙𝗜𝗙𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡; 𝗂𝗋𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗌𝖼𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾

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"My parents are getting divorced," I told Juli blatantly.

I thought back to this morning. When I stumbled into the house, my mother looked anxious and frantic.

"Bryce, your father and I are splitting up," she told me. "You need to stay somewhere else for the week. If you can't stay at the Bakers' then I'll call your aunt. I love you, and your dad is leaving on Friday."

"Mom, what's going on?" I had asked her.

She shook her head. "It just isn't working out."

I knew this wasn't true but shrugged and turned to the door. Suddenly overwhelmed with a new emotion, I ran back and hugged her, tightly. "I love you, mom."

I looked up and Juli's face had paled. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, that must explain why you've seemed so off today."

"It's not your fault. And anyway, you've helped me so much." What I said was true. I don't know what I would've done without her.

"Is there anything I can do?" Funny how she asked that after already having done so much. But I still needed to ask one thing.

I gulped and began. "My dad moves out in a week. My mom asked if I would be able to stay with you until then." Hoping I wasn't asking too much, I looked at her.

Her eyes were softly lit and expressed kindness. "Of course! I'll let my parents know, and I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Thank you," I replied as I hid my tears.

"Hey, Bryce?" I looked at her. "It isn't your fault either. Don't blame yourself."

"I know, I know.. it just.. it feels like it is sometimes," I responded. Sometimes I wonder if it is my fault anyway.

More than anything I didn't want Juli to think I was weak. But crying isn't weak, is it?

"Well, I'm always here for you, okay?" She was always so sweet and understanding.



I found it incredibly ironic, all of this. A while ago my mother had told me that she pitied Mrs. Baker for she had married a dreamer, and therefore someone would always be unhappy. After spending time at their house, I knew this wasn't true.

The family was so different from my own. They seemed so open and trusting with one another, even Mike and Matt. When someone started talking about their day, everyone else would listen intently. As though they were holding on to every last word.

The irony here is that my mother believed her marriage was so perfect. And yet, it is the one that fell apart. When I get married, I want it to be like the Bakers, not us Loskis.

From the outside I'm sure my family looked wonderful. A hard-working husband, his pretty housewife and two children. But really, we were just another broken family.

Juli's family was seemingly the polar opposite. A distant artist of a father; a quiet mother. Two boys who valued music more than their education and a unique daughter. Judgments, however, are often utterly wrong. Because when I sat with them at the dinner table, all I saw were five kind, passionate people who loved each other.


Once we arrived at Juli's house, she immediately asked her mother if I was permitted to stay with them until Friday.

"Yes, of course you can!" she replied thoughtlessly. Like I said, kind people indeed.

I smiled at her. "Thank you, so much." She returned the smile before Juli dragged me off to work on homework.

"Already?" I asked with a laugh.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm serious! We have to get this done; it's due tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," I replied. Classic Juli. Always puts her schooling first. It was admirable though. No wonder she's so intelligent.

We worked together on the history packet for a bit less than an hour, until we were both finished. To no surprise, she was done before I was but had written way more.

"How do you do that?" I asked, innocently curious.

She seemed confused. "What?"

"How do you just know exactly what to write and exactly what all the answers are?"

"I... I don't know. I pay close attention, I guess," she replied.

"You'll have to teach me some time," I joked.

Juli gave an evil-looking smile and proceeded to whack me with a pillow. We burst out laughing over the silly little act. And then our faces were inches apart. I looked over her, from her sparkling eyes to her pink lips. With a sudden burst of confidence, I kissed her. Except this time felt more natural than the last. I placed my hand on her cheek as she kissed me back.

When we separated, I felt a small smile growing on my face. Juli blushed.

"I hope that wasn't, like, obtrusive or whatever," I said quietly. Had I overstepped?

She laughed. "No, it wasn't. If you hadn't initiated, I probably would have."

I shook my head sarcastically and sighed. How in the world had I managed to score this.. this iridescent girl?

"You're really amazing, you know that?"

"Oh my God, this is so cheesy," she replied.

She made a fair point. "I'm sorry," I apologized teasingly. "I couldn't help but point out the obvious!"

Juli rolled her eyes. "C'mon, let's go check on the chickens."

"Uh oh," I replied. This was not good. I didn't want to bring up, you know, the egg thing. "I think they probably hate me."

"Are you sure you just don't want to get... what was it... salmonella?" The question was serious, but she said it in a humorous tone.

I dramatically pretended to swoon. "Your chickens are going to kill me!"

"Very funny. Ha ha." She seemed annoyed. "We should actually go outside now."

Whoops. "Okay, I should probably apologize to them all, anyways."

We shared a laugh. Outside, I could tell that she really did care for her chickens, and it bewildered me how one girl could be so passionate about so many different things. She surprises me every day.

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