The only part (alternatively: I'm only writing here cause my spellings crap).

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Two figures walk into a darkened room.
"It was Friday the Thirteenth, the day before Halloween," The first says as the lights flicker on.
" Halloween's on the 31st," replys the other as he swipes innefectually at his matted hair a top his head, trying to get it's glittered mess out of his eyes.
"So?!" Here he sputters and shakes his head, "So, Friday the 13th... It's not.... You... Can't."
"It was Friday the Thirteenth, the day before Halloween. "
" God damnit. "
Sarah is late. So very very late. She bursts into Hayley's house two hours after she was due to arrive. Turns out, she needent a hurried. Gerald is the first real person she has seen all day. He sits, hanging his head in what could be gestation or shame.
"Nooooooooooo," he wines.
Sarah chooses this moment to announce herself, "Sup."
"Friday the 13th," Gerald sreaches, is like, thirty days from Halloween."
Sarah sits, she dosen't care to know what's happening.
" So?" Apperently Hayley dosen't care either.
"So, Halloween! Friday the... You know what, let's just go." Gerald says defeated.
" Whoo!" Hayley celebrates. Sarah is a bit confused. They're supposed to be trick or treating tonight, but their costumes don't seem to be much. They're almost non-existent. "What are you wearing?" She asks Gerald exasperatly.
He cockes his head roughly, "huh?"
"Your attire, why?" She says in a tone that greatly implies she thinks he's dumb.
" Oh, I'm going as me." Gerald is dressed in a t-shirt and tie ensemble coupled with shirts over tight leggings. Nothing he would ever wear any other day. He looks like a creep who got dressed in the dark.
"You don't wear that."
"So?! So,..." She's cut off by Hayley.
" Hey, hey! It's not like your costumes any better. What are you?"
" I'm a cat."
" You're wearing a leather jacket and blue jeans."
" Yeah. And cat ears." Sarah retorts, flicking the fuzzys a top her head. They wiggle.
"You didn't have whiskers?" Gerald asks, chewing gross black licorice he probably found somewhere on the floor of Hayley's messy room.
"Cats don't need whiskers," Sarah lies. In fact she did have whiskers, they fell off on the way over, but she wasn't about to admit that to these psychos. They would just laugh.
"Ok, let's get going," Hayley, always the pragmatic one drawls. They stand in unison and drift flightedly out the door. Between the three of them, Hayley is most in costume, which is pretty sad because she's wearing a tiara and a cape. They make it outside, where's the air is chilly and crisp; just like how autumn should be. As they walk the gravel road away from Hayley's house, midnight starting after them, they shove and push and joke. Gerald points out shiny stuff and col rocks. Then, in particular Gerald fashion, he tries to steal someone's lawn decoration. "Gerald!" the girls ecxclaim.
"What? It's pretty."
Sarah scoffs " what are you, a crow?" Gerald is confused. " What?" He says.
" A crow. Ya know they're scavengers." Hayley says practically.
" Um."
Sarah dosen't want this to go on. " No. Never mind, it dosen't matter." But Hayley won't drop the subject. They stand at the door of a scarcely decorated house." What, vocabulary isn't your thing?"
"This has nothing to do with vocabulary."
"You say that," Hayley banters while Sarah goes to sit on the stoop. "But this are words."
"I hate you." In truth, Gerald was a softie and couldn't hold any enmity in his heart for anyone, let alone Hayley. Sarah seizes the moment to talk about something a little less boring. "Anyone dong something cool lately?" She asks.
Hayley looks up, way too excited, her previous conversation lost, temporarily forgotten. " I'm writing a book! It's called: The Stupidity of Man." She proclaims proudly.
" A book about Gerald?" Sarah scoffs, as they jaunt back up the steps of the house. Hayley and Gerald, they're so cliche it's infuriating.
"Yes." Hayley punctuates with a resounding and final knock. The door creaks open, admitting an elderly lady to peek her head out. "Trick or treat!" The children say obediantly. They are rewarded with sweets. Gerald feels his heart plummet in his chest as he looks at their haul, walking back home in dawning light. "She gave me like half a candy," he pouts.
"Stint," Hayley replies with a smirk, setting him up. Sarah wants nothing to do with this. She stays out of it.
"What?" Gerald is confused.
"No I have no idea what your saying. "
"Vocabulary isn't your thing, Eh?" She brings back. Gerald waves his arms, running away home screaming "ahhhhhhhh!!!!"
"Tell us about your story," Sarah implores flopping down on Hayley's bed. They went to one house, and have collectively acquired three bars of chocolate, a ceramic pumpkin that surely belongs in someones yard, and a sizeable pile of about thirty admitadly cool rocks. Sarah loves these people.
"It's a Halloween story." Hayley says furling her hands into claws and feining attacking the two.
Gerald cocks his head to the side, "So, it's about today?"
"Isn't that like a diary?" He says lightheartedly, Sarah chuckles.
" No!"
" You sure?"
"Well... Yeah." She shoots a glare Sarah's-still-shaking-with-laughter-way.
" That sounds boring."
" Your boring." Sarah snarls apologetically.
" No, no, you guys don't get it," Hayley leans in conpiriatally, "it's a Halloween story." She whispers. Gerald violently cocks his head, like a dog trying to decapitate itself. It looks painful. Sarah winces. "Ok, so, it's like today, but towards the end Gerald dies."
"Then the plot plummets because the there's no comic relief." Dryly Sarah rolls her eyes. These people might be her friends, but the they sure are stupid ones.
"Yes, it ends a tragedy."
"Oh dear." She breathes.
" How's it start?" Gerald cuts in.
Hayley takes a deep breath in and starts: "Ok here goes," she shifts her weight till her audience leans closer. "It was Friday the Thirteenth, the day before Halloween,"
"This again," Gerald sighs, shifting away.
" Isn't Halloween on the 31st?"
" Yes, it is! Thank you."

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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